Dork Yandere Alphabet

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A/N so like 2 people said to do it so i'm doing it, before commenting keep it in mind that while my persona is basically an ageless me i am a minor 👁🙏

A - Approach
How do they go about loving you? How do they behave around you?

An idiot and a half, She doesn't use her brain very often but when shes around you all of her braincells delete themselves

B - Blood
Do they kill people? How often?

In a way, she pulls them into her own little pocket dimension just in case she feels bad later, but if she doesn't she'll kill them

C - Crazy
How long can they wait for you before they lose it?

She likes to believe as long as she wants, but realistically about 2 months

D - Danger
Would they hurt you? How much danger are you in?

Nope, worst case scenario she falls onto you because she is a dunce

E - Effort
How much effort do they put into courting you?

She tries to be near you, but will not talk to you, she's too shy, she tries to add hints in her writing

F - Friends
Are they okay with friends? Do their friends know?

She pulled them all into that previously mentioned dimension

G - Gross
How much of a mess do they make? Would they clean it up?

Most people get scattered around her attic, she's a messy eater, she absolutely will not clean it up because "it yucky"

H - Heart
How affectionate are they? How do they go about it?

Hugs, she doesn't get much physical contact from anyone at all, let alone someone she cares about as much as you

I - Intense
How intense can they get? How scary are they?

Not that scary, but her threats are surely unique

J - Jealous
How jealous do they get?
What do they do when they're jealous?

She'll go hide in her attic, she's honestly hurt by that kind of thing and she is really sensitive, she doesn't really want to talk to you for awhile after something like that

K - Kidnapping
Do they kidnap you? How do they go about it?

While you were asleep she carried you back to her little cottage

L - Leave
How would they feel if you escaped? Would they try to find you?

She'd think it's a joke at first, hoping you'd come home, but if you don't she'll start to worry, if you still don't come back she'd start getting angry, anyone she thinks could've been an accomplice would be dead on the spot

M - Make-up
Do they act different around you? Do they try to hide you?

She only really talks to you, she does try to hide you, law enforcement is her least favorite thing to deal with

N - Nope
What would they never do?

Yell at you, she can barley handle someone raising their voice at her, why would she subject you to that?

O - Open
How secretive are they? Do they make things obvious?

She tells you literally everything, also asks you literally everything, she talks a lot

P - Princess
How do they treat you? How much of a (simp) caring person are they?

She tries her best, she's not exactly sure how relationships work but she's glad she has you regardless

Q - Quit
Would they ever give up trying to make you love them?

If she believed you didn't like her, she wouldn't stop but it would take her awhile to feel better

R - Random
Random fact about them!

She tries to replicate fluff scenarios she's written with you

S - Stay
Would they let you out? How often would they let you?

Not at first, she'd eventually start letting you out but she would stay close

T - Thought
Would they feel bad? How long until they realize?

She doesn't, only because she doesn't really know what's right and what's wrong in a relationship

U - Unusual
Do they do anything strange? Yandere or not

She trips on her words a lot, she'll be talking to you and suddenly she'll start speaking enchantment table

V - Valentine
How normal are they at first? How soon do they get creepy?

She was concerning from the start, she wasn't exactly creepy just, off putting

W - What?
Do you do anything that confuses them or vise versa?

(a/n thanks exp for notifying me)
She's easily confused, so most things do

X - Xenial
How are they around your family/friends?

Depends if you wanted them alive or not, if you did for some reason she tries to avoid them

Y - Yet
What would they not let you do, but eventually give in?

Most literally anything

Z - Zealous
How did they meet you? How did this start?

You were the biggest fan of her books, she felt so so appreciated

almost as appreciated as i do, thank you for all the positivity on this book, it means so so so much to me :,)

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