CJ Yandere Alphabet

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also few people requested him, again, sorry if it's crap since I've never actually heard of Starlight Mayhem until now

A - Approach
How do they go about loving you? How do they behave around you?

He's quite fun, if you want to put it that way, the type to come up to you randomly in the middle of the day, asking a stupid question with an obvious answer so he can get you talking to him

B - Blood
Do they kill people? How often?

Not as often as some of the other guys here, only does it absolutely necessary

i will say: he will not reiterate on what 'absolutely necessary' means

C - Crazy
How long can they wait for you before they lose it?

He tries to wait at least a few months, but realistically he can only get to about a month

D - Danger
Would they hurt you? How much danger are you in?

Never intentionally, but he may hug you just a bit too tight or something of the sort

E - Effort
How much effort do they put into courting you?

He came off as pretty normal, just the usual cheesy pick-up lines and compliments, you never would've thought he'd be the kidnappy type

F - Friends
Are they okay with friends? Do their friends know?

He would prefer you didn't, and he'd say that he won't let you... but he doesn't actually check, he trusts you not to have friends even when he doesn't do anything about it...? God forbid he finds out though, that won't end well for anyone

G - Gross
How much of a mess do they make? Would they clean it up?

He just does what he needs to do and hightails it out of there, doesn't clean anything regardless of the mess

H - Heart
How affectionate are they? How do they go about it?

Hugs, a lot of hugs and/or flirting

I - Intense
How intense can they get? How scary are they?

Not as scary as he'd like to think he is, he's quite confident in his ability but he doesn't exactly realize he's really not all that intimidating

J - Jealous
How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?

Pout about it like a child, vaugely imply he's upset, sigh dramatically, anything to get your attention so you pay attention to him instead

K - Kidnapping
Do they kidnap you? How do they go about it?

Chloroform, he figured it was the safest and... "most ethical 😀" way of getting you where he needed you

L - Leave
How would they feel if you escaped? Would they try to find you?

He would be DEVASTATED. He'd try to find you yes, whether or not he finds you is pure luck

M - Make-up
Do they act different around you? Do they try to hide you?

He doesn't act much different really, he'll try to hide the whole "i kidnapped her" aspect but otherwise no, hes basically the same around everyone else. He is more affectionate with you though

N - Nope
What would they never do?

Make you feel bad, whether it be physically or emotionally, if he was the cause of something that caused any kind of pain he'd feel terrible and do just about anything to make it up to you. Bloodshed is a basically nonexistent price to him as long as you feel better after

O - Open
How secretive are they? Do they make things obvious?

He won't directly tell you anything secret, but he'll occasionally and accidentally hint towards it, maybe if you collect enough you could figure it out

P - Princess
How do they treat you? How much of a (simp) caring person are they?

He loves you to the moon and back, he would do almost anything for you, he doesn't care who he has to kill, if you'll be happy with him it's worth it

Q - Quit
Would they ever give up trying to make you love them?

Of course


R - Random
Random fact about them!

Nothing special really

S - Stay
Would they let you out? How often would they let you?

He would let you as long as he can come, even if he'd have to wait outside or something, he just wants to be with you always. Hell he'll even ask you to go places with him

T - Thought
Would they feel bad? How long until they realize?

If you expressed any kind of unhappiness that he may have caused (ex: implying he made you sad). He would feel terrible about it

U - Unusual
Do they do anything strange? Yandere or not

He's pretty basic, so no

V - Valentine
How normal are they at first? How soon do they get creepy?

He never really got creepy, he was normal, and then he just up and kidnapped you

W - What?
Do you do anything that confuses them or vise versa?

If you reply to his flirting with equal flirting, he'd be so lost and flustered, he doesn't exactly expect to get anything back

X - Xenial
How are they around your family/friends?

Annoyed, he just wants to go back home with you with him, with you away from these other people

Y - Yet
What would they not let you do, but eventually give in?

Going anywhere without him, he'd begrudgingly agree if you bothered him about it enough

Z - Zealous
How did they meet you? How did this start?

You met at some holiday celebration, he got a bit too confident and tried to do a cartwheel and ended up knocking straight into you

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