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Kaeya amusingly stirs the wine glass in his hand as the defenseless agent happily slurs the information he has been chasing for out of his mouth, this method never fails, does it?

The only problem was, they weren't in such in a secluded area, it would be too troublesome to move somewhere else, attracting some eyes and ears too despite the loud atmosphere the place has.

It was a gala mostly between nobles, Fatui were no exception and that was percisely why Kaeya would be here. But still, being able to suck out information that easily? Now that was a first.. Something was definitely sketchy behind all this, but this is a gala after all, why should he trouble himself with all these problems when he can just... have fun?

Seeing as the agent fell on his face, seemingly to be in deep sleep, Kaeya finally stood up and fixed his clothes, refilled his wine and started to head off somewhere else. Where might that be, you ask? Well...

A smirk grew on Kaeya's lips when he caught sight upon the redhead, isolating himself from the party being on this secluded balcony. He really couldn't fathom how he could handle such solitude, this is no fun.

And so he walked towards him, wine in hand as he heard the faint sigh the other let out upon hearing his familiar pattern of footsteps getting closer, the smile on his lips widened at that.

"Well well, if it isn't Master Diluc all by himself." The cavalry captain started, breaking the silence that engulfed the two of them just a few moments ago, "Everyone has been looking for you, you know? After all, who wouldn't anticipate for a conversation with the high and mighty Master Diluc?" By the time he finished his sentence, he had already lifted himself off the ground and on the balcony's fences.

Diluc huffed, refusing to look Kaeya in the eye, "If you came here to just to annoy me, I suggest you should just take your leave, Sir Kaeya. Also you might fall."

A chuckle erupts from Kaeya's lips at that, "Aw is Master Diluc worried about me?" dismissing the other's first sentence. Kaeya puts down his wine beside him then starts to dig inside his pockets before pulling out what seemed to be a brown notebook, "Here, the information I managed to gather tonight, it's nothing much, but you never know it might be helpful."

Diluc reached out and took the notebook, opening it to look at its contents. "Definitely not bad.. but isn't this quite a lot? It's fishy how easily you got these." "Hm yeah that's true." Kaeya wouldn't even question how Diluc knew of his methods.

Letting the other skim through his notes, he grabbed his wine glass once more and brought it to his lips, taking small sips. Aiya, he really should've bought a bottle, it's too troublesome to go back from here and to the party. He thinks as he felt two eyes looking at him, he smirked, the other was no exception to his captivating beauty after all!

Diluc huffed and continued flipping the pages of the notebook.

To kaeya's dismay, his wine had already run out, "Ah I drank too much." "You always do." Kaeya quickly threw a playful glare to the other andㅡ ohㅡ did he just catch a smile? He definitely caught a smile, no doubt about it.

And for some reason, he couldn't peel his eyes off of the other, seriously, how is he so pretty. He always had been but with the moonlight softly kissing his snow white skin?

Subconsciously, Kaeya had already creeped a hand beside Diluc's cheeck, tugging a hair back behind the other's ear.

The other didn't even seem to mind, let alone flinch at the sudden gesture and instead leaned and burrowed his cheek on Kaeya's hand. Ah Kaeya felt like he was about to burst.

The bluenette couldn't even resist the temptation of pressing those soft lips onto his, this time Diluc flinched a little but soon relaxed in the other's touch, nothing felt more perfect than this.

They stayed like that for a few seconds, just sharing a soft kiss under the moonlight in each other's touch, only having parted when they had to catch their breaths.

After doing so, the two looked at each other once again and laughed. This was perfect, how they wish they could stay like this. Thinking of nothing but each other, simply being in the other's presence.

They shared a few pecks after that, ocassionally exchanging the information they've both gathered, turns out Master Diluc wasn't here for nothing, he had ears everywhere. As expected of the mighty Winery owner. 

This was something the two both held dear to their hearts, they weren't planning on letting it public anytime soon but apparently, ears were already on them.

"I feel like I just witnessed something very dangerous I think I should ruㅡ"


"Oh shit."

Ah what a night this truly was.

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