an experiment... gone wrong?

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It was just another normal day in Mondstadt. 

Or so they thought. 

With an alchemist that everyone has grown rather too fond of, creating and experimenting new stuff that he gets his hands on everyday, and the little menace of favonius that seems to stick by his side whenever she's out of solitary confinement, how could one even expect...

"So you're saying... that we have to deal with this... for a day?" 

"Indeed, a day shouldn't be a problem, no?" 

The alchemist responds to the very worried and skeptical looking Acting Grandmaster, known for her usual calm and collected demeanor. However... 

"Sigh... nothing will get done if this were to continue." The cavalry captain groaned from the corner of the room, arms crossed and foot tapping in annoyance. 

"Well, it's only for a day, right? Besides, look at the bright side! Albedo would have more material for his research on the concoction." Master of the winery himself cheerily reassures the captain. And it... sort of worked? If the defeated sigh of the said captain were to say anything. 

Albedo snorts at this, schadenfreude written all over his face even when he tries to hide his growing smirk in his hands. Diluc was obviously dying inside, but the potion was getting the better of him. Kaeya on the other hand was enjoying this wayy too much, his expression wouldn't show it however (again, thanks to the potion). 

Jean couldn't even be surprised anymore, with the amount of stuff she deals in a day, nothing could ever surprise her anymore when it comes to her knights... "Alright, but this day should better go without a hitch. Otherwise, Captain Albedo, I'm afraid I will have to take your laboratory privileges away for a week." 

"A-Ah.. yes... of course." 

And so the alchemist slowly backs away to surf through his pile of notes in an attempt to find a way to cure the effects of the potion. 

Now how about a little throwback to explain how all of this came about? 


It was a normal opening day for the lab, Sucrose and Timaeus exchanging hellos and good mornings before the latter went out to go somewhere to find materials. 

Sucrose opened the door to the lab just in time and couldn't even flinch when--

There came a big explosion.

(Yesterday night, Albedo and Sucrose came up with a new research experiment, a potion, which they had both expected to have mind-reading effects. 

Come morning and Albedo wanted to test it out before Sucrose comes to check in for the day, so he instructed Klee to come get two people (subjects), of course the little girl willingly obliged and went on her merry way to go find some victi-- I mean volunteers. 

The blue haired captain was to be expected as he always takes patrol in front of their lab during this time of the day but what he didn't expect was for a certain Winery owner to come along with him. 

Seeing as it shouldn't affect the experiment much, he didn't give it any thought and proceeded on, despite the redhead's continuous questions if it was safe yada yada. 

It went on as planned.

He however didn't think the gunpowder he disected from one of Klee's bombs to be that potent and the moment he sprinkled some into potion, it somehow reached Klee and--)

Coughs and fits were heard and the fog cleared up eventually. 

No one was injured, aside from Klee looking like she had just been sent to go get some charcoal out in the woods-- but that isn't really a new sight to behold. 

That's when the green haired girl finally took a good look in the room. 

There stood Albedo, completely stunned as he holds a now empty test tube in his hands. 

And beside Klee were two surprising figures who were none other than Captain Kaeya and Master Diluc himself, both holding Klee's hands. 

At first everyone was too stunned to speak, but when they did... 

"Ahaha... I don't know if that was supposed to happen but uh-- Can I take my leave now? I have a tavern to man." 

For the second time that morning, everyone in the room was left speechless. 


Jean shakes her head but smiles anyway, turning to Sucrose, "I appreciate you both going out of your capabilities and trying out something new but-- please do try to keep it to a minimum next time?" 

Sucrose fumbles, straightening her glasses but nodding profusely anyways, "Y-yes ma'am!" 

Jean mouths a small 'thank you' before going out the door and finally leaving the lab-- her glare towards the two bachelors didn't go unnoticed of course, 'Stay put or else...' 

And the door closes shut. 

A moment of silence follows the room, aside from Albedo's papers shuffling in the corner. The two stood silently, refusing to open their mouths in fear of saying something completely out of character. 

"W-well... how about a cup of chamomile tea while we wait for Mister Albedo?" 


The two exchanged looks. A smile appeared on Diluc's face as Kaeya stayed silent, "We'd love to."

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