7. It's okay, it's love

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"WTF!" a horrified Suga yells at the site leaving Jin and JK completely speechless.

"Put some clothes on. We need to talk" Jin and JK shiver at the site of an enraged Suga and quickly rushes through their clothes.

After few minutes, they come out of their room to find Suga standing by the door. Jin let's Suga in.

"Hyung! I didn't expect this from you." Suga glares at Jin, utterly disappointed at the elder.

"We...we didn't mean it to turn out like this." A feeble reply from Jin

"So from how long is this going on?"

"One week."

"It's not hyung's fault. I led him into this" JK meekly replies in hope of saving his hyung from Suga's scolding.

"You do not interrupt when two elders are talking." Suga seems like he will blow off in any minute now. But he composes himself knowing very well that shouting and yelling is not going to solve anything.

"Jin Hyung, I respect you. I can understand that you may have some needs. But exploiting JK like that. I didn't expect this from you. You are lucky that I found you not Namjoon. Do you have any idea what will happen if Namjoon finds out? If Bang PD finds out? If the public finds out?" Suga let's out a sigh.

Jin is in tears. Not uttering a single word. Suga's harsh tone is piercing his heart like a dagger. He is aware of the situation. He just wanted a little bit of happiness. He thought Suga will support him as Suga always used to say that love is love, regardless of one's gender. He never expected such a reaction from Suga. His tears are flowing down his cheeks to his chins and finally falling onto the floor.

JK doesn't know how to react. He is heartbroken to see his hyung crying but do not have the courage to console him as he is terrified of Suga right now.

"Hyung, answer me. What will you do if others find out?"

After wiping his tears, thinking for a moment, Jin finally replies
"I will fight." And he looks at JK "But if JK wants this to end, I will end it right here right now."

"No!" JK yells surprising both Jin and Suga. "I love you. I will never let you go. I will fight beside you." A determined JK replies.

"Okay then. It's your responsibility to deal with the consequences. I have nothing more to say. I am happy for you two." Suga finally let's out his gummy smile. Jin and JK are more than delighted to get Suga's consent.

"But, promise me you two will wait till JK turns 20."

"We promise" they reply in unison unable to hide their excitement.


Days go by, with them practicing for their comeback. JK stills sleeps with Jin but restrain himself from doing anything sexual except for kisses and hugs. Suga being a sweetheart never uttered a single word to anyone. He fondly looks at them whenever they cuddle or kiss. But deep down he fears the consequences this may bring.


Today is JK's birthday
He had specially prepared a dance for Jin. Ofcourse other members will also be present there but he only wants his Jin Hyung to watch his performance.

At 12:00AM, JK receives a birthday kiss from Jin who is lying beside him in the bed.

"Happy Birthday JK-ah"

"So we are dating from today right?" JK enthusiastically asks to which Jin bursts out laughing.

"It's your birthday today and that's all you can think about?" An amused Jin asks.

"Yes." Happiness spreads in every corner of JK's eyes, grinning from corner to corner showings his bunny teeth.

"Yes, we are dating." Jin replies and leans in to kiss the other on his forehead. "I love you." He pulls JK into a hug.

"I love you too Hyung." JK hides his face in Jin's neck as they hug.

"Ahem!ahem! Someone is trying to sleep over here" Suga's sudden interruption makes them conscious of their surroundings. They looks at each other and bursts out laughing.

During the day, there has been a slight change of plans. Today all the members will be flying to Japan for an event. JK is a bit sad because he wanted to spend his birthday with Jin. Well now they will be spending it on flight. Great!

"What happened Jungkook-ah! Why is my baby sad?" Jin wraps his arms around JK and lands his chin on JK's shoulder.

"Birthday sex!" JK pouts.


"I wanted birthday sex. But now it is all ruined."

Jin cannot help but adore how JK looks while pouting. If he were to be told two years back that a conversation like this is going to happen between him and JK, he wouldn't have believed his ears. He always thought he loved JK as his dongseang. He was very happy to have him by his side all the time. He never showed his weakness in front of the others as being the elder he felt that it was his responsibility to take care of his dongseangs not the other way round. But subconsciously, JK always sensed when Jin was down. It was like a twin flame. He cannot remember a single time when JK was not there when he needed him. JK was always mature irrespective of his age. Sure, they bicker a lot, fool with each other a lot but that childishness doesn't make them immature. In fact, bickering is how they show their affection to each other in public.

"Hyung." JK's voice pulls Jin out of his thoughts. "What are you thinking?"

"Nothing." Jin shakes his head and gives his classic hamster smile.

JK is not convinced, to which Jin leans in and whispers in JK's ear "The birthday boy will get whatever he wants." Jin's deep voice sends shivers down JK's spine.

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