rip that radioactive dick aye

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he didnt know how to feel cuz goerge really felt connected to the dick. jimmy felt like family to him. amd now. it was dead. no more glowing cum. no more soggy balls. no more radioactive piss. he felt like sobbing. his only friend jimmy the radioactive dick dead right infront if him. the po pos sirens still blaring in the background. he stood up proped his dicks up amd climbed out of the hole. he ran and ran until he met up with eren jäeger who just gave him a slap on the face (witch made a lil shit come out of georgs ass)

"suck it up lil pussy" eren said rolling his eyes

"i will kill u with my 7 massive dicks" i said back

"ok lmao i wanna die anyways" he says

"dam u good homie?" i ask

"yeah........" then he starts fucking sobbing and shitting at the same time.

"its ok bro" i say and then i start violently making out with him

"thanks i feel a lot better now" he says and flies away

george just sits there sobbing (still over jimmy) until eren comes back and says

"if u want i have a cave that u can live in?"

"ok thanks homie u want a kiss gn?"

"yes right now"

george gives him a sloppy kiss before grasping on to eren as they fly away.

"thanks for the cabe homie" george says

"yeah np dude"

"hold up eren i just gotts show u one thing" george pulls off his prosthetic and expects him to be ok with it but... eren just drops dead after seeing his glorius dicks. they were singing in harmony and that was the last thing eren saw before decending into hell.

"fuck" george says

"not agian" hea just so over life rn hes so brocken... 🥺💔🖤😔

word count: 305

um yeah idek so fuck off

the seven dick lord and his dickinningWhere stories live. Discover now