01: K U R O M O R I M I N E

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The wind blew quietly in an abandoned campus. At one end of the courtyard was a lone Panzer IV variant D which have been modified throughout it's service with it's new crew. With additional Armors and a new barrel making the Variant D appear as a Variant H. The turret additional Armor had been sporting a distinctive logo of an Angler Fish. On the Hull additional Armor was the logo of the Tank's Highschool, Ooarai Prefecture Girls Academy.

The commander, Miho Nishizumi looked wearily towards her opponent which was on the opposing side of the courtyard. There stood a Heavy tank that was feared by the allies back in World war II. The distinctive rumbling of the Maybach Engine roared rather menacingly. It's 88 Millimeter cannon pointed towards the Panzer IV, as the Panzer IV's 75 millimeter cannon pointed toward's the tan colored Heavy tank. There stood the mighty and Legendary Tiger I variant H1. This Tiger was the Initial production model that served service in the Tunisian front. At it's side hull was the logo of the well known academy known as Black Forest Peak Girl's High School. Or commonly known as Kuromorimine.

On it's turret were the numbers 212 in reference to the Panzer Ace Michael Wittmann. Operating the Tiger was Miho's older sister and commander of Kuromorimine, Maho Nishizumi whom was outside of the Commander's hatch as was Miho was doing. Her cold stare was locked on toward's her little sister's Timid Eyes. Well after what she had been through along with Ooarai, the term Timid did not fit her that much anymore.

"The Nishizumi Style allows no running away. We'll settle the battle right here " Maho declared as her eyes never left her sister. Miho on the other hand looked down at the Panzer IV before looking at her sister, nodding in agreement. "Then I shall fight" she boldly declared.

The wind blew once more, leaving the battlefield in silence. And the Panzer IV started to Advance, it's Engine Roaring to life as well, engaging the Tiger. Miho then started to give orders. "Mako-san, please start flanking left". The Panzer IV's Driver, Mako, then started to direct the Panzer to the left of the Tiger, whom started to traverse to keep the Panzer away from it's side. "Please feint to the next alleyway." Miho said as the Panzer made it's way to the alley, narrowly avoiding an 88 millimeter shell that was shot at them.

"Yukari-San, please load AP rounds please" Miho ordered her Loader whom replied "Hai, Nishizumi-dono" and a distinctive sound of the Armor Piercing shell being loaded to the breech was heard. "Saori-san, please get an update on the situation with the Leopon Team" She commanded her Radio operator whom replied "They are still holding on and are about to get taken out, Mipporin!" Saori updated Miho whom hummed in response. "Hana-san, fire on my command, Yukari-san reload as fast as you can to lower our fire rate"

"Hai" her gunner and loader replied.

"Load HE round" Maho commanded and then said "Feuer!" The 88 Millimeter then shot out a High Explosive round which detonated on impact on the face of a wall, causing it to collapse on the Panzer IV's path. With it's only way is to reverse, the Tiger raced towards it's target. "Full reverse !!" Miho exclamed as the Panzer IV reversed as fast as it could, denying the Tiger from blocking it's path. The Tiger however still shoot, hitting and taking out half of the Panzer IV's left side armor. The Panzer IV then continued to reverse and Speed away from it's hunter.

Outside the Campus, the only Entrance was being blocked by a damaged Porsche Tiger, the Alternative design of the more famous Tiger H1. This Tiger had the Ooarai logo on it's side Hull with a logo of a lion on it's Turret. It had been ricocheting shells that were coming from a Tiger II, the successor of the Tiger I whom the allied dubbed as the King Tiger. A couple of Panther Variant G, the successor of the Medium tanks of the Wehrmacht. A JagdPanther, the Tank destroyer variant of the Panther, And a couple of JagdPanzer IV/70, the Tank destroyer Variant of the beloved Panzer IV. Operating the Tiger II was the Vice Commander of Kuromorimine, Itsumi Erika.

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