02: T H E - W I L D - C A R D

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Maho laid back on her dormitory bed as she stared at the ceiling, mesmerizing the memories of what her little sister had said to her before they have left. It came to no one' surprise that her sister has finally surpassed her and this fact has placed A small smile was upon her face. Her sister was too unorthodox to even adapt to the back breaking standards of her mother's teachings. She was strong, stronger than Maho, and was able to find a way of her own, something she couldnt do due to her being the heiress of the doctrine

What had concerned her was that the Tactics presented by Kuromorimine was rather rigid and ineffective, thus the forces have fallen into what seemed to be guerrilla warfare and unconventional maneuvers. "We are too stiff" she said to herself as she then turned to the window. She, along with her comrades have returned to the School's Carrier, the "Graf Zeppelin" which was said to be one of the biggest Carriers that is fielded by an education establishment. Looking out the window, Maho was rewarded by the sight of the sea at night time.

I finally found my own way of Sensha-do

"That you did, Miho, its way different from the Nishizumi Style, however it suits you well" She said as if Miho was there to hear her. Maho then let out a soft sigh as she crossed her arms over her chest. It had been far too long for her to not have a conversation with someone, thus she would then in turn towards her considered friend, Erika Itsumi. A quick dial through her smart phone was all that is needed to set up a time and place with her reliable and fierce Vice Commander

"Erika" she began whom which prompted a shock reaction from the other end of the line "A-ah! Kommadant! To what purpose may i serve you!" The brunette sighed as she stood up to walk to the window to glance out. Erika can also be quite an enigma, a strong willed woman whom never fails to follow any order given to her. She can be quite the competitive person when it comes to anything especially in sensha-do. The only problem is that she is too much at times, some had garnered in calling Erika a Radical due to her being quite the literal defenition of discipline and fanaticism. Maho spoke once more "Meet up with me. Theres a coffee shop near the dormitories, im sure you're aware of that"

"Yes? What o-"

"Good, i shall see you at 2030 hours" she then hung up and then moved to get prepared.

At the other end of the line, Erika stared at her phone in utter confusion and then gulped down a lump on her throat. She wondered if she would get a stern scolding from the Commander after the failure to grasp the victory against Ooarai. She felt scared all of the sudden.

"Crap" she uttered as it was basically 2000 hours.

A few monents later, Erika was seen to be rushing as fast as she could towards the said coffee shop, who knows what would happen if she pissed the commander any more than she is now. Maho Nishizumi, as much as Erika admires her, was a cold, calculated and emotionless at times, said to rival even Nonna in terms of coldness. She's the feared commander of Schwarzwaldspitze and there was no one alive who would dare question her authorities, besides her mother, the master of the Nishizumi Style, Shiho Nishizumi. Angering her would be the LAST thing Erika wants. The repercussions could be bad, she?might be humiliated and reprimanded. As much as she hated being treated like dirt, she knows that Maho alone was the type of person that wouldnt hesitate to publicly reprimand you

Erika then bursted through the doors of the coffee shop "KOMMADANT! I HAVE- " There sitting alone on a table was Maho Nishizumi sipping on a cup of coffee, not wearing her usual sensha-do uniform nor her Kuromorimine school uniform but her casual clothing. This prompted Erika's initial flush of embarrassment. The Absence of other Tank commanders is also noted. Erika thought this would be a debriefing however now it was not the case. Maho then deadpanned at her, seeing that Erika was wearing her Sensha-do attire in the way it was thrown on in a haste, her hair was abit messy as well from all the running she did. "Was i too haste with the time? The coffee shop closes at 2200 hours so i had to invite you at such a short notice" The Commander has said as she took another sip from her coffee.

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