04: D I A P A S O N

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Erika felt uneasy.

Sure it was a known fact that she outnumbers Maho's forces 2 to one but it was still unimaginable how she could still feel the pressure. She knows that woman is dangerous. Cunning and Dangerous. One small slip up from her end and Maho would be able to exploit such a weakness.

"Erika-san" Erika perked up at the mention of her name. She turned towards her side to see Koume had pulled up in her Panther and then smiled at the Vice Commander

"Ah! Koume, Weren't you supposed to be keeping an eye to the Right Flank?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as she placed her hand upon her hip. Koume meanwhile nodded, affirming that she had not forgotten about the Vice Commander's orders.

"They found two Panthers to the flank" She reported. Erika meanwhile decided to fire back a snarky remark which also asks a question that has been gnawing at the back of her mind "And why didnt you report that via radio?"

Koume eyed the Vice Commander very curiously "Good point, but i was on my way to reinforce you when I received reports of enemy panzers off to the Northwest."

"What gave you the idea to reinforce me?" She asked rather irritated. Koume interjected that there was a possibility that Maho was going to try something that might jeopardize the position of the flag tank. Suffice to say, this got Erika to become more paranoid.

During the entire engagement, she had not seen Maho's tank whatsoever. Only the reports of Panthers were the only intel they have on Maho's forces. Erika then pulled out a map and then a compass. There were already markings upon the map indicating the movement of the panters and potential engagement spots for their forces.

Erika quickly updated the positions of the Panthers and then glanced over to Koume yet again. "Reel back for a bit I-"

She didnt even get to finish what she was saying any further when all of the  sudden, a shell whizzed pass between their tanks, causing Erika to duck all of the sudden. "Contact!" She cried out through her radio which prompted her Radio operator and gunner to unleash their machine gun fire towards the general direction of the shell's origins.

Soon not even less than a second, another shell whizzed past them, indicating to the platinum blonde girl that there were multiple tanks opposing them at the moment. "Have the tank forces converge! We have contact a hundred meters away"

"Itsumi-san, Currently the western flank has been bogged down. Our tank column had been ambushed, we're  redirecting troop movement as we speak" A commander had sounded out.

"What happened to Maya?" Erika suddenly asked, knowing full well that the voice didnt belong to the one commanding the western flank.

"Knocked out maam" She had reported back which caused Erika to growl out of frustration. She was about to slam her hand on the roof of her King Tiger when all of the sudden another Shell from the enemy Tank was shot towards them. The gravity of the situation would be elevated when said shell slammed onto the ground.

"God damnit" She whispered out to which she then pointed at Koume and then signalled her to flank to the left. Koume nodded and then had ordered her Panther to take the left. Meanwhile Erika continued to trek her way through the thick forest, remarking how possible it was to go through a thick forest with such a heavy tank.

Soon, another shell was shot towards them. Erika clicked her tongue in dismay. She knew that sound from anywhere. "Careful, that was an 88"

True to her beliefs, right infront of her a few meters away from her was a lone Tiger. Prowling within the forest's vegetation. It's eyes upon the target right before it, challenging the Tiger's successor on the battlefield. Despite being stronger than it, despite being superior than it, the first Tiger knew it was the one who dominates the battlefield.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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