Baking - Padfoot

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  Hey everyone! This is my first Marauders book ever and I'm really excited to get it started and see what my fellow Potterheads think of my interpretation of them.
This first fic is pretty much a fluff piece with the one and only Sirius Black. A bit cliché, but we all need a little bit of cliché in our lives.
  Disclaimer: All the characters in this fic belong to J K Rowling and Y/n belongs to you.

You were staying at the Potters' house for the last two weeks of the summer holidays, after which you would be going into your seventh year at Hogwarts.

Being James's good friend from birth and one of the Marauders, you always felt welcome at the Potter house. Mrs Potter was like a second mother to you and wrote to you almost as often as she wrote to James.

Recently you had been enjoying the visits to that home even more because a certain dark haired, silver eyed boy now lived there too.

That's right, you had feelings for the one and only, Sirius Orion Black.

The next day was Mrs Potter's birthday. James was out distracting her and his father while you and Sirius baked the cake. Being muggleborn, you were able to bake a decent cake, but with Sirius as your second it was just harder than necessary.

"At what point, may I ask, did you think it was a good idea to put the flour in your hair?" you asked, sighing exasperatedly at him.

Five minutes ago, under very bad judgement, you thought it wouldn't do any harm to leave Sirius to watch the cake as it baked in the oven while you quickly went to the bathroom.

However, a few minutes later you returned to find him coughing white flour out of his mouth and shaking it out of his inky hair.

On asking him why, exactly, there was flour all over him, he told you that he'd dropped a handful over his head.

Now, he blinked sheepishly at you as he answered your last question by saying, "I wanted to see what would happen."

You stared at him, expression reading something along the lines of, that-is-the-most-stupid-thing-I've-ever-heard.

He grinned boyishly at you and you couldn't help but think that, even covered in a layer of white powder, he still managed to take your breath away with that smile.

Suddenly, that smile turned mischievous and he opened his arms, "Love, you look cold. Do you want a hug?"

Your eyes widened and you started back up, only to hit the counter behind you, "Oh no. Don't you dare-"

But it was too late. Sirius had strode over to you and pulled you into his arms, effectively covering you in flour.

You squealed and tried to push him away, giggling as he poked your sides teasingly, "Siriussss!" you whined.

He chuckled and pulled away slightly so he could see your face.

"You've got a little something..." he murmured, cupping your cheek and wiping his thumb over the skin just beneath your eye, "There."

The air between you seemed to become full of tension as the two of you realised just how close your faces were.

Then, as if he was being pulled by some invisible force, Sirius leaned down and closed the gap.

It took you a few seconds to fully realise what was happening, so when you didn't immediately kiss back, Sirius pulled away slightly and murmured, "I'm sorry. Are you sure you—"

But you cut him off by pressing your lips firmly against his. His response—unlike yours—was immediate, his mouth moving with yours in a rhythm that only they knew.

The smell of his cologne, broom polish and old parchment filled your nose and the taste of raw batter coated your tongue. The mixture was intoxicating and you couldn't get enough.

Unfortunately, humans have to breathe, so you pulled away, panting slightly.

"If this is how baking usually ends, we should do it more," Sirius murmured, smiling softly at you.

You blushed but smiled too, "Definitely."

  I know that was a little cheesy, but as I said before, we all need a little cheesiness sometimes.

Thanks for reading :)

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