Throughout the Years || Final Part! - Moony

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  Here we go. Final part! I hope you've all enjoyed reading this mini series about your journey with the Marauders. I definitely enjoyed writing it.
  Disclaimer: JK Rowling owns all the characters and places, you own Y/n.
  Enjoy ;)

  "Where're you off to?"

  Y/n turned around to see Lily sitting on the couch in the Gryffindor common room.

  "The Library. Remus and I are going to do homework away from Sirius and James's constant chatter and nagging."

  Lily smirked and Y/n narrowed her eyes.


  She shrugged, "Nothing. It just sounds an awful lot like a nerd date."

  Y/n blushed, "We're not nerds!"

  "So you agree! It is like a date!"

  Y/n spluttered, "No! Remus is my best friend! If I have feelings for him, why don't I get nervous around him, or blush when he says my name or stutter when he compliments me? And if he felt the same, why is he so calm around me?"

  Lily gave her a small smile and walked over to her, "That's because if he's the one, you won't feel 'butterflies' or... or an accelerated heartbeat. You'll feel calm and at home. He'll make you feel like you can be yourself. He'll be your best friend."

  Y/n swallowed, her face pale, "I um... I'm in love with my best friend."

  Lily nodded, "Well, took you six years but at least you've figured it out."

  Y/n sighed, "What am I going to do?"

  "You tell him."

  "What if he doesn't feel the same way?" she murmured, voice cracking.

  "He will."

  "Y/n, it's been two weeks! When are you going to tell him?" Lily exclaimed.

  Y/n and the girls were in their dorm, having a girls' night. Lily had told Marleane and Alice about Y/n's love for Remus and they had 'awe'd and cooed for a full twenty minutes.

  "I'm not sure if I want to, Lils. I don't want to risk losing him completely. I'd rather have him as just a friend than not have him in my life at all."

  The girls groaned.

  "Y/n, that is such a common excuse! You're smart! At least try and come up with a better reason!" Marleane said.

  Y/n scowled, "It isn't an excuse! It's a genuine concern!"

  "Sure. Keep telling yourself that."

  Lily sighed, "Look, Remus loves you. He's crazy for you. You're the only one who doesn't see it."

  Y/n gave her a sad smile, "Guys, I appreciate you trying to make me feel better, but I'm fine. Really. I'm happy to just be his friend."


  Y/n and the rest of the Marauders were sitting in the Library doing homework. Surprisingly, they could keep themselves quiet when it was necessary.

  Usually, the girl would be focusing hard on the work in front of her, not getting distracted by anything. But today, she couldn't get her mind to process the information she was trying to take in. She kept wanting to glance up at her best friend and not look away. He was so handsome... it was frustrating.

  "Hey, Vix. You okay there?" Sirius asked.

  Y/n nodded, giving him a fake smile, "Yeah, Pads. Don't worry about it."

  They went back to work.

  A small piece of parchment landed in front of her. On it, in Sirius's untidy scrawl were the words:

  I know you love Moony.

  Y/n looked up at him, blushing furiously as you stuffed the letter into your pocket before Remus could see. He winked.

  Suddenly, Remus put down his quill and got up. Y/n caught sight of the tight expression on his face and frowned in concern.

  As he walked off into an isle, she got up and followed him, wanting to make sure he was okay.

  "Hey, Rem," she whispered, finding him staring blankly at the shelf, knuckles white, "Everything okay?"

  He nodded stiffly.

  She moved forward and put a hand on his shoulder, "Moony-"

  "Don't," he said, jerking out of her grasp, "Please."

  Y/n's heart dropped. Maybe Lily was wrong.

  "Sorry," she muttered, trying and failing to keep the hurt from her voice.

  He sighed, closing his eyes, "No... it's not... I'm sorry. I didn't mean it in the way you thought."

  She swallowed, nodding, "It's fine. Look, Rem, talk to me. Tell me what's wrong."

  He finally looked at her, his golden eyes showing something she'd never seen in them before.

  "When I saw you and Sirius... I... When I saw him winking at you and you blushing, I just..."

  Y/n took a tentative step forward, "You're all upset and tense because Sirius winked at me?"

  He nodded, looking down sadly so he missed the smile that formed on her face.

  "Remus, do you have feelings for me?" she asked, just to be sure.

  "I don't just have feelings for you, Y/nn," he murmured, voice cracking, "I love you. And seeing you blushing like that because of something Sirius did, just reminds me that I'll never be good enough for you. I'll always just be your best friend."

  Y/n frowned at this, "Remus John Lupin, you are more than good enough. You are kind, and sweet, and smart, and bloody adorable. You make me smile more than anyone I've ever met. You carry those scars like horrible reminders of your lycanthrope but I see them as symbols of your bravery and modesty. You want to know why I was blushing? Because Sirius gave me this."

  She shoved the letter into Remus's hand who then read it a few times in disbelief.

  "You... is Sirius right?" he asked softly, still not meeting her eye.

  Y/n stepped forward, almost closing the distance.

  "Yes. He is."

  Then he was kissing her.

  His warm, chocolate flavored lips moved slowly against her own. She brought her hands up to grip his shirt, his hands resting on her cheek and hip. Her head spun from the act of kissing him. Her friend. Remus Lupin. It was something she had only ever dared dream of, never mind think it could happen. And yet it was, because she was standing there, wrapped up in his arms, her lips on his.

  The kiss lasted a few seconds, and when they broke apart, they were both grinning.

  "It's about bloody time."

  Sorry I took so long to update. I had a few technical difficulties because for some reason Wattpad wasn't letting me paste the chapter from my notes and I did NOT want to type the whole thing out again. Luckily it's working now, so I hope you enjoyed it.
  Thanks for reading ;)

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