Diary - Moony

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  Heyyy! Another update!
  This one is also very sweet. I hope you guys like it.
  Disclaimer: J K Rowling owns the characters and places, you own Y/n and I own the story line.
  Enjoy ;)

  You signed off your latest diary entry and took a moment to read it over. This one, like many others before it, spoke of Remus.

  It was around three years ago when you developed a crush on your friend and fellow Marauder. A year since you had realised that you were in love with him. He was your definition of perfect. Honest, kind, humble, smart, mature, and not to mention incredibly handsome.

  You only wished you had the courage to tell him, instead of just write down all of your pent up feelings in that little notebook of yours.

  Some Gryffindor I am. You thought bitterly.

  Sighing, you put your diary in your bag and set off for the Great Hall for dinner.

  Your mind was so foucused on Remus that you didn't notice your diary fall out of your bag and onto the floor of the corridor.

  Remus POV

  "Hey, Potter!"

  James, Sirius and I looked up as a Ravenclaw boy came up to us in the courtyard, what looked like a small notebook in his hand.

  "You're friends with Y/n L/n, right?" he asked when he'd reached us.

  James nodded, "Yeah, why? Is she okay?"

  My heart was filled with worry for Y/n. I had been in love with her for ages. She meant so much to me. If she was hurt...

  "She's fine, I just found her notebook. I wanted to give it to her but she must be in Gryffindor Tower. Could you maybe give it to her for me?"

  He handed James the notebook and the latter said, "Sure. Thanks for finding it. I'm sure she's been looking for it."

  The boy nodded and walked away. As soon as he was out of earshot Sirius said curiously, "What is it? I've never seen Mittens with that before."

  James shrugged as he leafed through it, "I don't know, but it must be her's. Has her name on the first page... Merlin's Beared! Pads! Look!"

  James shoved it into Sirius's hands. Padfoot's eyes ran over the page as he read the writing.

  I frowned, "Don't you think it's a bit of an invasion of privacy if you read it?"

  Sirius looked at me, "Moony, believe me, you are the one person who has to read this."

  "What do you mean?" I asked.
  He handed me the book and pointed at the right page, "See for yourself."

  My curiosity won over my logic and I started to read.


  Dear Neverfell

  I caught myself looking at him again today!

  Why can't I get over this? Why is it so hard to stop loving him? It's not like I'm ever going to work up the courage to tell him how I feel. My friendship with Remus is too special to me to mess it up!

  It's been a three years since I started feeling this way, surely I would have gotten over him by now? And it's not like I don't try. It's just that every time I manage to stop thinking about him in that way, he smiles or laughes or makes that cute crease between his eyebrows when he's reading and I'm back to square one!

  Sometimes, I try to make a list of all the things I don't like about him, just to make it easier. But I can never think of anything! I love everything about him! He is perfect to me in every way. I don't care about his condition, and I don't care about his scars! In fact, I think his scars are beautiful and his strength in the face of danger just makes me love him more!

  I don't know what to do. Writing my feelings always helps a bit, but it still doesn't give me a answer to what I'm going to do about it.

  Anuway, thanks for listening, like you always do.

  After finishing that entry, Remus went back through the diary and read every other one, marveling in the fact that the girl he loved had loved him back all along.

  When he was done, he looked up at James and Sirius, "I have to find Y/n."

  They didn't get a chance to answer him because he was already gone.

  Your POV

  The fire crackling merrily in the fireplace was the only sound in the Gryffindor common as you read your book. Well, until the portrait hole opened and Remus walked in.

  The tone he held when he said your name made you look up with a worried frown.

  "Rem? Is everything okay?"

  His throat bobbed and he sat down next to you. It was then that you saw the notebook in his hands.

  Your blood ran cold.

  "Oh Merlin," you said, cheeks red, "Oh my goodness... Rem I-"

  "No, don't say anything, just listen, please," he said softly.

  I gulped but nodded.

  He hated me. He didn't want to hear me apologize because he knew there was no way he could forgive me.

  "I didn't want to read it at first-" he started and I held my breath, "-but the lads convinced me to. I'm sorry. But I just want you to know that I... that I feel the same way. Reading that just confirmed it."

  It took you a few moments for the information to sink in, but when it did a grin made its way onto your face.

  "You do?" you asked, looking down at your hands and blushing.

  He took one of your hands in his and intertwined your fingers, "I do. I also love how you gave your diary a name. It's as if you're writing a letter to someone."

  You smiled shyly, "Yeah, well I found it easier to open up if I imagined I was talking to someone. It's a lot more personal, I guess."

  He chuckled softly and gently cupped your cheek, "You know, I would very much like to kiss you."

  "What's stopping you?" you murmured, cheeks flushing slightly.

  He grinned, "Absolutely nothing."

  Then he kissed you. And it was every bit worth the wait. Remus's lips were slightly chapped, but felt so good against your own. And they tasted of chocolate, which in your book was a huge bonus.

  "Oh wow! Go Moony!"

  You broke apart to see Sirius and James standing by the portrait hole. The latter was grinning while the former clapped.

  You blushed bright red but Remus just roller his eyes.

  "Oh shove off you two."

  Quick question, has anyone read A Face Like Glass by Francis Harding? If you have you'll get why I named her diary Neverfell.
  Thanks for reading ;)

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