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In the morning, everyone's surprise seeing Yedam in the lobby waiting for them, Junghwan runs to him immediately caging the older in a bear hug.. They didn't see him the whole day yesterday which explained how badly their maknae miss him.. He smiled at that sincerely..

"Bogoshipo...." Junghwan muttered, hugging the life out of his smaller hyung.. Gosh Yedam didn't know the younger had grown so much all this time, And he gives great hugs too.. He's so lean and seem dependable now, He somehow feels bad for not paying much attention to the younger because he's too focused with his own life and matters of the heart to only end up in vein like this.. What a shame, He thought, but the bitter feeling didn't last longer as much as he's willing to accommodate it cuz the next thing he knew he's being sandwiched by a bunch of guys bigger than him into a suffocating group hug....

Haruto however remained rooted on his toes, He doesn't have the right to join their fun, HE who caused Yedam nothing more but pain.. He can only watch from afar, if anything he don't even deserve to have a single glance at the older's beautiful smile.. That smiled that still belonged to him yesterday morning..

Now he's back from square one zero, The place where he knows how it feels like so well.. The very place where he can just admire Yedam from afar, the very spot where he can only love everything he does and all about him secretly.. Cuz he ruined all his chances in just one blow..

After the eventful (filled with tons of bone-breaking hugs and brotherly smooches) little reunion the minibus to their rehearsals arrived and Haruto couldn't will himself to proceed, if not for Dobby pulling him out of his thoughtful misery and literally grabbing or rather forcing him on his tracks he might've been left in the hotel for the rest of the day..

They sit together at the far corner back, and he tried to pretend asleep to avoid anything and everyone since they easily read on things without them meaning to.. He's just glad that of all the shit he'd done his Doyoung hyung remains on his side even without knowing what happened after last night, Heck he might even lose him too if he finds out what he did to his Yedami-hyung..

He pulled the hood of his jacket to completely cover his face and there he silently cried for the FUCKEDUP shits he did that can't be undone now no matter how hard he wanted to..

"Sleepwell Rutoyah.." He heard the older beside him whisper with a consoling pat on his shoulder, He almost sob at that.

He can't be so bad and not consider Yedam's feelings if he suddenly breakdown infront of everyone.. That's the least thing he could do for him, as much as he can he should not cause any more trouble for the older.. He doesn't deserve that especially if it comes from him..

They reach the venue in no time, Dobby wakes him up and he regrets getting up immediately without realizing the car is still moving cuz the moment the car halted he almost flip if not for the older's reflex but he accidentally hit his he's on the backrest before him..

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