Chapter seventeen

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I woke up with heavy eyes the next morning.

after Rowan released a huge bomb on me yesterday,I went to straight to my room

Feeling completely numb after being destroyed inside.

I tried sleeping but my mind would always wonder back to everyone else far away from me.

I allowed myself to feel yesterday

I spilled my heart out while sobbing uncontrollably,trying to my best to not wake the others awake,holding my chest tightly so I could ease the pain in my heart.

I threw away my blanket to get started with my day.

I made my way to the bathroom,taking a hot shower.

So maybe,just maybe all my worries could be wash away with the hot water running down my body.

After looking presentable enough, I opened the door to my room and walked to the living room where I was greeted with Chrissy and her son,Rowan.

As always Chrissy engulfed me with a warm hug and I didn't know a simple hug could already make me feel so much better,

When my eyes met with Rowan's he gave me a warm smile and I returned it back,well trying to.

We had breakfast which was delicious as always.

After breakfast, I was confused when Rowan had asked if we both could walk around the village to get some fresh air and get to know each other

I nodded my head and told him to wait outside while I wear my shoes.

I met him outside and we started walking in silence for the next 10 minutes.

Before my mind started wondering to places,Rowan's voice entered my mind

Bringing me back to reality

"Lady Eleanor..I know you don't fully trust me at this moment,but time will prove to you that I am only here to keep you safe under prince Evan's command"

I looked up at him and a part of me is at peace hearing him say those words that I didn't know I needed to hear.

I appreciated him saying that, it almost feels like he dived into my mind,reading every single worry I have.

I nodded at him and offered a small smile.

I took advantage of the silence and starting observing the beautiful village that I couldn't finish eyeing due to the surprise yesterday.

It was so heartwarming seeing how the people of the village interacting like one big family,saying hi to each other, joking with each other,

A kind man having a little bakery offered me some food samples

I was surprised to say the least and starting thanking him nonstop, a smile plastered on my face when he kept giving me more and more.

It was getting overwhelming when I would get stopped by nearly every shop keeper in the area,either to gift me small nice stuff or to offer me compliments

A laugh arose from beside me and I looked to my right to see Rowan laughing at me

It was different from  seeing his usual serious expression, it was sure nice seeing him like this and in a way I can confirm after this short walk that we could be friends in the future,

I smiled at the thought

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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