Chapter seven

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That voice.

That oh so deep and beautiful voice that I know too well

That voice that I used to love waking up to, that voice that used  whispers sweet nothings in my ears when I felt scared,that voice that I used to fall asleep  hearing it mumble Disney stories so I would sleep rested.

But now hearing it brought me nothing but continuous stabs aiming at my heart, killing it, squeezing it tight, he kidnapped me I was right, he wanted to hurt, he was playing with me all this time like I'm his own personal doll

The betrayal was too much to handle that I moved my hands towards my chest where my heart is placed at, my hands was clenched at my T-shirt material, maybe just maybe doing that would help ease the pain I was feeling

It took everything inside of me to crack my eyes open to see if my mind was playing a sick game, to see if I wasn't imagining hearing his voice

Green and bluish irises met my vision

Evan was crouching down on his knees, a step away from me, his eyes help c-concern? Why would he show concern if he's the one who kidnapped me? Was he pretending to be the victim of this?

A teardrop has fallen of my face ,

I didn't realize that  my eyes started watering let alone sobbing now

I saw how his hands risen to his waist almost instantly after seeing my eyes filled with buckets of water, but after seeing me flinch he decided to retreat his veiny hands away

"A-angel it's me,Evan don't you remember me?"his voice cracked at the end,

Yes I do remember you and I miss you but how can I miss someone who kidnapped me? Is what I wanted to say so badly but my voice betrays me

"My angel, my sweet beautiful angel did someone hurt you why are shaking ? Im here"he said almost too quickly but at the same time softy, too scared to startle me

He started getting closer to me slowly afraid of my reaction,i stayed where i am not moving any inch wanting to feel his touch against my  sensitive skin I hate it

But when his fingers grazed my  hands gently,fire was suddenly burning my skin, I jerked my hands fast wanting to be as far away  as humanly possible, and I whimper

His eyes were coated in hurt

My action had  hurted him, b-but...

He started talking "Eleanor tell me what's could I possibly be doing wrong?" Desperate voice was the only thing I heard

"Are you seriously asking me this..."i said finally putting my voice at use

He stared at my face for a second, my face heat up from his intense gaze, he still has an effect on me after leaving me how pathetic can a person be,

Confusion was written on his features, playing dumb now are we?

"Stop looking at me with that stupid face of yours"the words came out before I had the chance to stop them

"Eleanor you think I was responsible for this?" He said,shocked

"Doesn't it make perfect sense Evan!" I tell him more loudly now

"How did you even get to this conclusion??"he replied I almost believed his acting

"Remember when we use to date? You would always do suspicious things but I hadn't noticed but now i can see who you really are"I finished saying, letting these words out was harder than I expected but I can't be the same person I was with him

He stayed quiet for one second serves you right

He sighed before saying "I admit I'm not the person you thought you know, I have secrets Eleanor but trust me when I say that that I'm not and never going to be the one who causes you any harm ,I'm not the one who kidnapped you, but my father did,I'm so sorry I didn't know that he would cross the line like this but angel you really think i wouldn't do something about this if I had knew before? Give me your honest answer I'm begging you"by the time he finished I was breathless

Had I really  been mistaken?

"Answer me" he said bringing my attention back to him

"No.."I said truthfully

"Thank you for your honesty" his voice for some reason sounds relieved, it's like if I hadn't answered his question truthfully he wouldn't be able to sleep at night

"Now we have to get you out of here"

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