Chapter eight

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I said before Evan had a chance to get a hold of my hands.

He looked at me,confusion was written all over his face and he was about to ask me what's wrong,I can practically read it off his eyes.

" here with me"I said slowly watching his reaction

His eyes widened and he started looking at the bed that was occupied by Scarlet

"I don't recall seeing her"he tells me truthfully

"Guess you had your eyes on me the whole time that you didn't even notice her" I joked to lighten up the mood,and scoffed at my cheesiness sometimes.

He chuckled,and  was hiding his smile from me,He stared at everything and anything but me, till he finally locks my gaze.

blue and green was all I could  focused on right now,we may have stayed seconds,minutes or hours just staring at each other, our eyes speak loud with so many emotions all at once

passion,care,desire ,affection, but one emotion that stands out the best is love

Red was washed all over my cheeks, my legs feeling like jello,

That's the effect he has on me

A groan broke our eye contact and we both looked at the direction of where the sound is coming from

Sleeping beauty was finally awake I see

I jogged over to her Evan right behind me,I wanted her to know that I was here with her, that she was not by herself in this unknown place

She finally cracked her eyes open and sat up on the bed " Elle? Where are we" she said after noticing that she has never been to this strange place before

I didn't know how to answer, hell I don't even know where we were,

I should have asked Evan something useful but no I had to be all lovey dovey

Evan must have sensed that I was having a hard time  finding a right answer to her question so he took it upon himself to answer

"We're located in a place called Sathia, Scarlet but please don't you worry, I'm going to help you and ang-Eleanor out safe and-"Evan couldn't finish saying when he was rudely interrupted by the one and only Scarlet "hold up!"she exclaimed loudly with an angry tone

She then pointed her finger at him and said more like shouted "why are you here! No how dare you come near her after everything she went through because of you,you don't deserve her you never did-"

I clasp my palm on here mouth,desperately wanting her to stop because it wasn't the right place nor time

She turned her head in my direction so fast I almost thought I bruised her lips or something

her eyes were screaming bunch of sentences all at once,
Are you crazy?!
Let me go!!
I'm doing this for you..
Fine I won't say anything..

My challenging eyes worked wonders on her sometimes, one look from me and her mouth is zipped shut damn am I that scary I asked myself with a chuckle

"Scar please you have to let him explain what we have to do to escape this place"i tell her desperately

She hesitated but gave a nod at the end, I smiled feeling relieved a little

"One  important information you ladies must know which may come as a shock but I ask you to cooperate with me and take this information lightly.."worry was laced with his voice and I started getting cold sweats all over my body,

his head turned and faced me, did he want reassurance?..I nod my head slowly encouraging him to continue,

A small smile was drawn on his face, I looked at his full pink lips ,cheek bones and his eyes oh his eyes studying and observing every  inch of his body was a museum filled with  beautiful arts that I could stare at forever and the unique paintings that drops jaws when seeing, he's perfect,

A loud gasp was heard behind me, it was from scarlet, I furrowed my eyebrows and shake my head not understanding why she was in shock

"We're not on earth and you're not human !!"Scarlet babbled out and I almost laughed at her

"Scar I swear watching too many episodes of the vampire diaries can effect you huh"i ended with a chuckle

"Love, she's not kidding, we're not on earth,we are in a dimension called sathia and this world involves magic and power, everyone here isn't human-"I cut him off with my heavy breath,

suddenly my lungs had gave up on me and stopped working, at least it felt like it

I couldn't wrap my head around this, he's not human? Then what is he?a world that involves magic?but why were we in a castle and how did Evan find us?

"Why are we in a castle?How did you find us? Why does your father want with us? A-are you a guard working here, or or a prince, king tell me" my voice was trembling

I felt like I wanted to explode yet here I am calmly waiting for answers

"Im...I'm the prince of Sathia, and my father the king wanted to get rid of you for my sake he thinks that he's doing whats best but I assure you both no one will dare lay a finger on you let alone touch a single strand "he sounded sure too sure actually

I must be an idiot because I started feeling better and warm inside

"So you're a prince and your father wants to get rid of me"saying that out loud was so weird I almost got goosebumps

He nodded confirming it, I looked behind to check on Scarlet

She was burning holes in his body from her intense gaze, the information hadn't process in her mind yet I can tell but in a few minutes realization will hit her like a truck
One minute has gone
Two minutes has gone

"omg omg omg omg"there it is

Eventually Scar started calming down and we were working on our feet to get out of the door carefully,

Scarlet was the last one to get out of the room we have spent so much in,Evan slipped my hand in his grip, grabbing me and pulling me tightly behind him, I did the same to Scarlet guiding her behind me

We almost walked in the long corridor when a shout was heard behind us "stop right there!"

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