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So. Hi!
Um just for your Information Tommy and Tubbo ore both 18 but they haven't met up yet. also! Tommy lives alone in his own flat.

Tommy POV.

Just one hour till I get to Tubbo's place!
I'm so fucking exited.
I kinda know what his house looks like but I haven't seen any of his family members. GOD why does it take so long to drive there?!

An hour later—————————————

I'm parking right across his house, walk up to the door and see Tubbo running out. He jumps at me and I barely manage to not fall over.
"You're finally here!" He yells, which makes me jump a little.
"Whoa calm down big T" I laugh.
"Sorry, I'm just so happy to see you" he said tears welling up in his eyes.
"Hey no crying small dude"
"OI I'm not that small >:("
"Yes you are" I say while patting his head.
He starts pouting and I laugh at him( author here to say that Tommy totally giggled he didn't laugh.  "HEY"
Oh gotta go!)

He took my hand and pulled me inside.
"Ah you must be Tommy" his mother , at least I think that's her, said.
"Yeah, nice to meet you!" I say holding my hand out. She doesn't shake my hand she just stares at it in a disgusted way. I quickly pull my hand away and Tubbo pulls me up the stairs into his room.
We sit on his bed and after a few seconds of silence I speak up " how about we watch a movie. I'm too tired to do anything else right now". "Oh sure, what you wanna watch?" He asks. Just then a girl walks into the room.

"Hey Toby do-" she stops talking as she sees me. "Who are you?" Oh right she doesn't know me- " I'm Tommy. Tub- Toby's best friend."
"Oh, well I'm Lani... Anyways Toby, do you think I should get this?" She holds out her phone and it shows dream merch.
"You watch dream?" I ask surprised.
"Yeah, you have a problem with that?" (Damn sassy Lani)
" oh not at all I actually talked to him yesterday"

" You know dream?!" She yells a little loudly.
"Yeahhh I'm on the dream smp..., you know.... Tommyinnit...?"
"You're tommyinnit?! Oh my god that's so cool! Wait how do you know toby then?"
I look over to Tubbo with a confused look.
"I didn't tell them" he says quietly
"Didn't tell us what?" Lani asks.

"Can I?"
He nods and I turn to Lani again.
"Well he's Tubbo... my best friend as I said already."
"...Oh my god how did I not notice that?! I have to tell mom that so cool!"
"WAIT NO!" Tubbo  suddenly yells.
"Don't tell her, you know what she thinks about this kind of stuff.... please?"

Welp that was....Something?
I still hope you enjoyed and please give me criticism so I can improve!

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