at da mall :D

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tommy pov 

when we arrived at the mall you could practically see the exitement radiating off of tubbo.

"calm down tub the mall's not gonna run away" i say chuckling.

"sorry, 'm just really exited"

when we walked inside i realised how many people were actually there.

"hey toby, hold my hand please."

"why? im not little."

"we both know very well that you will wander off even if you're not little."

"hey! thats not-"

"no arguing. you're holding my hand."

"fiiiineee" tubbo said while rolling his eyes.

"oi! don't get sassy with me."

he stuck his tongue  out at me but before i could say anything he took my hand and dragged me to the nearest toy store.

"whoa slow down" i say,  laughing.

he slows down a bit and we continue at a normal pace.

as soon as we walk into the shop his eyes widen at the selection of toys and even more when he sees all the stuffies.

"you want a stuffie?"


"okay okay i get it, go pick one" i say with a soft smile on my face.

he sprints to the shelves and i calmly follow behind.

after a few minutes he turns to me, holding a racoon plush in his arms.

"he like tom tom!" tubbo giggles.

"yeah just like me" i say, chuckling.

tubbo takes my hand again and we walk over to the cashier.

we went to a few other stores, getting more toys along with cute bedsheets.

i decided to order pacis and sippy cups online to have them in the appropriate size for him.

even though we agreed that tubbo would drive on the way back, he was way too little to drive.

so when he tried to get in the drivers seat i frowned.

"toby what do you think you're doing?"

" tom tom said i wouwld dwive on da way back."

"and how old are  you tub?"

" 'm a big boy! i thwee yeaws owld!"

"bubba you're way too little to do that" he blushed at the new nickname but started pouting.

"'cmon get in the back tub" he was still pouting but complied and sat in the back.

after we got back to the flat we unpacked the stuff and neatly put them away into a light green box which we had also bought.

tubbo frowned when i put the box away.

"whats wrong? you want something from the box?"

he shyly nodded.

i pulled the box back out and let him pick the stuff he needed.

we went downstairs together and  turned on the telly to distract him while i make dinner.

(404 words mark :D)

when i was done i went back to the living room and turned off the telly.

tubbo whined loudly.

"'cmon dinner's ready."

he stood up from the floor and followed me to the dining room.

"can you eat by yourself or do you want me to feed you?"

"'m a big boy can do it alone"

"if you say so."

i started eating but tubbo just sat there staring at his spaghetti.

"are you sure you dont need help?"



when i was done he still hadn't eaten anything, so i picked up his fork and held the spaghetti to his mouth.

his face flushed but he slowly opened his mouth.

" you know, you dont have to be embarrassed to be little. im totally fine with it."

he nodded and i continued feeding him the spaghetti until it was gone. 

tubbo went back to the living room while i started washing the dishes.

i looked over at the clock and realised it was already almost 9 pm.

little kids have to go to bed at this time right?

i walk to the living room and once again turn off the telly and tubbo , again, whines.

"its time for bed bub."

he doesnt budge from his place on the couch.

"come on, if you go to bed ill go too"

still, he didnt budge.

so instead of saying something again i simply picked him up and rested him on my hip.

he started squirming in my arms but i just walked upstairs. 

we got to the room and i layed him down on his makeshift bed which consisted of an inflatable matress and the bedsheets we had gotten.

i tucked him in and saw his pouting face.

"good night tubbs"

he said nothing and turned his face away from mine.

"you're not gonna say goodnight to tom tom? wow my feelings are hurt." i say sniffling.

tubbos head turned to my direction and i heard a quiet "g'night tom tom".

i smiled and ruffled his hair before i got changed and went to bed too.

i could get used to this. 

______the middle of the night___________________

tommy pov 

i woke up to shuffling from the other side of the room.

"toby? what are you doing?"i say while rubbing my eyes.


i hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

if you want you can give me suggestions on what i should write! 

i would really appreciate that :))


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