cookie jar

125 4 3

tommy pov

---after tubbos time out was over---

I went upstairs to get Tubbo since his time out was over.

when i came into the room i saw tubbo leaning against the wall sleeping with tear tracks on his face.

i walked over to him, picked him up and laid him down in his bed but when i went to leave i felt him grab my sleeve.

"stay p'ease?"

"sure bub"

i laid down next to him and we cuddled until we both fell asleep.

---time skip----

tubbo wasn't in my arms anymore when i woke up so i started looking around, but he wasn't even in the bedroom anymore.

I got up and went downstairs to look for him, spotting him in the kitchen eating cookies we made a few days ago.

"hey toby!"

"hi tom"

⟟ looked up at the clock, 6:30 pm.

"isn't it a little too late to be eating cookies bug?"


"⟟ think it is. cmon put those away were having dinner soon."

"mmkkk fiiiinnneee"

he put the jar away and ⟟ started making dinner, spaghetti to be exact.

while ⟟ was cooking ⟟ heard something shuffle behind me.
⟟ turned around and saw tubbo holding the cookie jar.

"and what do you think youre doing with that jar?"
(just here to say that tommy was doing the hand on hip mom pose)


"⟟ don't think thats nothing mister"

he pouted and put the jar back.

we ate dinner and then ⟟ allowed him to eat some of the cookies.

we watched the movie raya together and fell asleep on the couch.


⟟ know this is short im sorry
have ⏃ nice day

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