[Eden's Diary Entry Mar 2007]

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"In life, there is good and there is bad. And bad things happen so people can do good. Sometimes I wonder if I can give my life to the world. If my dream of a Utopian society is actually achievable. Wars, hunger, business monsters who use wars for the service of their economic gains in claims of war peace.

 Children die for the sake of monsters hungry for more money, innocent people shelled by bombs every night.

Families dying from hunger so one selfish giant corporation can take all the country's resources. What's worse is that these monsters succeed in creating slaves and copycats of themselves. Morals, dignity and honor are merely concepts vanishing slowly. Money driven cities created monsters, upon monsters, upon other monsters.

God is no longer a priority in most people's lives.

I miss God, I used to find tranquility and peace in all the churches I used to visit with my dad during his numerous excursions in Europe. Mosques, Churches and Synagogues. The serenity, and the atmosphere, the sounds of devoted prayers.

Money seems to be the new God; it's making me sick."

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