They Don't Know About Us

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        Brianne Spencer or simply Brian to her friends has landed to New York City. She is going to surprise her best friend and her mom Tricia asked her to keep his son in check. Her professors gladly agreed to her request to just send the necessary school works to her email. She had no trouble getting the approval since her grades where all perfect A's. While waiting for a cab, she checked her phone and it has 5 messages:

                                                             Niall: Bring some food here. :)

                                                     Liam: Brian, call us when you arrived. :*

                                                                 Harry: Where are you?!?!

                                                Louis: Hi love! Call me as soon as possible.

         She smiled as she reads the messages. Only the 4 boys know she's coming. As she is typing her response, her phone suddenly rung. 

                                            ♫Show you off, tonight I wanna show you off..♫

        Yup! Brian is a self-proclaimed Belieber. Of course she is also a Directioner. :) The screen reads Harry calling. This boy is impatient she thought. "Hello?" she answered. Immediately she cringed from her phone because Harry is already shouting at her. "Where are you?! Why aren't you answering our texts?! Are you going to ditch us?! Huh! Huh!" Harry screeched. She can already see him throwing his hands in the air for emphasis, as if she was there in front of him.

        Her relationship with Harry has been hostile. Hostile meaning they always had reasons to yell at each other. Her and Louis has been sweet . Louis even admitted that she likes her but she loves Eleonor so much. Her and Niall has been food buddies ever since. Liam and her has the classic friendship. Brian and Zayn? Well, that's another story.

        As she listens to Harry's never ending complaints she heard a girls' voice. The boys are staying at the hotel now and she is now on her way to them. Good thing she saw a McDonald's near the airport or Niall will strangle her. -_- She tries to listen to the surroundings but Harry's voice makes it impossible. "Harry is there a girl there?" she asked. Harry abruptly stopped babbling then looked around and saw Zayn and Perrie already kissing. Eeww he said to himself. He locked gazes with Liam, Niall and Louis. They all know that Brian haven't met Zayn's girlfriend. To be exact, Zayn hasn't mentioned Perrie to her ever. So meeting her would be bloody. O.o Liam took over the conversation. "Brian!!!" he cheered. Brian was instantly distracted and all the way to the hotel she talked to Liam, Niall and Louis.

        After 10 more minutes she reached the hotel and walked to the elevators. Niall on the other hand was bouncing up and down out of pure excitement. Actually they are all excited to see Brian again. Harry kept running his hand through his hair, Louis pacing back and forth and Liam steal glances at the clock. Zayn is still unaware of what's gonna happen but the lads are pretty sure he will be delighted to see Brian again. Then the sound they've been all waiting for.

        As soon as the metal doors open Brian was crushed by 4 boys thrilled to see her. "Can't breathe.. Need air.." she choked. "Welcome to New York City Brian!" Louis said before the lads released her then took her luggage. You can see to their faces that the excitement is real.

        Zayn is still kissing Perrie when he heard the door opened. He ignored it thinking it was just room service. Then he smelled something sweet and heard that voice. He thought he was just imagining things since he misses her so much but his suspicions where suddenly confirmed when he heard Louis said her name. He hastily whipped his head to the direction of the voices and surely he saw her there. His best friend wearing as always her fedora hat and that sneakers. Just then Brian saw Zayn and evilly smiled at him "Hi Zayn!". Needed no more time to waste he practically ditched Perrie, his girlfriend to attacked her in a bone crushing hug.

        "I take it you missed me then!" Brian said while trying her best to catch a breath. "Shut up Brian!" Zayn playfully snapped. When Zayn hugged Brian the lads back away slowly, knowing that those 2 will eventually be lost in each other. Perrie on the other is still dumbfounded. She never saw her before and the way Zayn acts pisses her off. She intentionally cleared her throat. Just so Zayn knows she's still here. The boys quickly acted to avoid blood lust. -_- Just then Zayn remembered that Perrie is here and Brian didn't know her, like ever.

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