Chapter 6

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        Skating let her glide, slide and fly through the air. It let her mind numb for awhile, actually every thing she loves to do makes her mind numb or relaxed. As the song ended she huffed a breath of satisfaction, when she opened her eyes all of her friends were staring at her like she has grown 2 heads. "What?" she innocently asked them as skate towards her. "How did you learn to skate like that?" Harry piped. Curiosity burns to their eyes, especially to Liam's, because he also loves to skate. To answer them she just shrugged her shoulders and told them "It's easy. When I was a little girl my parents always bring me to these different lessons, piano, skating, ballet all this girl stuff.". After that she invited Liam to the skating rink again. Zayn's been smiling the entire time, he misses seeing Brian like that. He can still remember that night were Brian's parents are forcing her to wear this Any one who knows her, know how much she hates wearing heels, dresses, skirts or anything girly. She always prefer comfy clothes like shirts, shorts, pants and sneakers.

        While skating Zayn called someone who would put Brian to the test. Test meaning if she could pull off her bitchy behavior. "Brian Spencer!!!" Zayn hollered from the other side of the rink. She is still skating when Zayn called her. She hates being called by her full name so her response has more on the acid type "What Malik?! Can't you see I'm busy???!!". Her best friend just smiled and continue to annoy her "Could you come here? I have something for you." with that she just stopped doing her twirl and skated slowly to him with cold-blooded eyes saying "You're the one who needs something and I am the one who would go up there?! You really want me to suffer the remaining years of my life in prison for murdering you isn't it?!". He just smiled like an idiot and pointed at her back. She just sneered at him but look over her shoulder only to be totally shocked to see Justin Bieber waving at her.

       Justin is now with them, just carefree chatting. "This could not be happening." Brain kept muttering to herself while Zayn was ridiculously finding the scene so quite amusing that he can't stop laughing. The others knew what was happening, Zayn called Justin to meet Brian. Since he turned her down last time, this would make it up. It was generous of Justin to grant his request even though it was abrupt. Brian being fed up of his laughter just smacked his head. Justin pulled Brian's hands and kissed them, getting her in a deep crimson color particularly on her cheeks.

        The other couples slowly to drift apart until Justin and Brian were the only ones at the park. They were just chatting, exchanging trivial stuff about each other. Stories about them but specifically Justin is quite intrigued to Brian's relationship with the boys, how she managed to be friends with them, things like that. Of course Brian told him the story of her life. She can see that he is really interested in this, and with that she is glad. Things went on like that until the boys came rushing telling that they are starving or how they want to lie down and everything, so they got up and returned the skates.

        On the way home Brian felt like a third wheel seeing all of them linked hands with their loved ones. She sighed thinking that no one heard that but she was wrong because Justin asked her, she just shook her head. She thought Justin would shrug it off but he just weaved his hand through hers. She stole glance at it and she can feel her cheeks pooling of blood again. *u*

        Inside the room she told Justin that she would just make some dinner since she promised them. She also insisted that he should stay and the boys had no problem with that. While slicing the onions "Watch your fingers Brian." Zayn reminded her, she retorted "I know!". After an hour dinner is served.

        The lads clearly enjoyed it since they would practically licked their plates to savor the flavor, good thing their girl friends are around. Haha! "Zed wash the dishes." Brian brightly said gaining a disbelieving look from her best friend "WHAT?! Since when did you saw me do the dishes Bee?" he shot.  Justin  keep switching looks from Brian and Zayn because he is new to this kind of environment the lads chuckled. Dani giggled also due to Justin's confused look so she whispered "Brian is Bee and Zayn is Zed. Just so you don't get lost.". Justin nodded. The 2 keep arguing who will do the dishes until Liam stood up and pick them by their ears. "Ow! Liam what are you doing?" they both said. How funny their brains are like linked together. "You 2 will do the dishes. No buts, no ifs. Or you're both grounded." he said. the others just keep snickering seeing their faces, all pinched up with pout on their lips. Brian's muttering "This your fault Zayn. Hmp!" while Zayn's muttering "This is your fault Brian." while washing the dishes. They can still hear their mutterings so Liam added "One more word or no video games." effectively shutting the argument.

        "Wow! How they became friends for so long if they're like that?" Justin asked them. They are now at the balcony just enjoying a few drinks. "That is a very good question mate and so far we still don't know the answer." Harry cheekily said.  Louis just playfully hit him. Niall being the sweet one answered him "Like Harry said we don't specifically know but its something about them that they can't live without each other, no offense Perrie.", the latter smiled and said no harm was done. :) Louis noticed it was awfully quiet so to check how things are going he leaned inside to find Zayn and Brian crashed into the couch. Well it was just Zayn because Brian is sitting on his lap. Both of their mouth slightly hanging open, Zayn's arm wrapped around her. When Louis tried to take his arm off of her, Zayn's arm just wrapped it tighter. It was an unconscious gesture as they have already seen it so many times. Knowing Brian for years now, they still don't know understand the intensity of their friendship. And because you can't wake those two Harry had an idea. He got a glass of ice cold water and slowly poured it to Brian's chest. Being startled by the cold water she accidentally slapped Zayn. And I mean a very hard slap. Zayn popped his eyes open with a loud "Ow!" sound.

        Brian was shocked so she quickly said "Sorry! I felt ice cold water dripping on me and I accidentally slapped you. Sorry!". Zayn rubbing his cheek while Perrie hugging him said "There was water and you immediately hit me?! ". The others just laughing at the scenario then abruptly stopped their breathing when Brian asked who did it? Everyone looked at each other, obviously not saying anything. "That's it I will torture everyone of you including you Justin if no one will tell me." she challenged. Tapping her foot makes them uncomfortable. Zayn didn't protest with that adding he would help her insane best friend with the torturing. A few more tap then Niall shouted "Harry did it!". "Thanks my little leprechaun." she said then pecked his cheeks. When she turned around Harry was no where in sight, he locked himself in his room. Scared of what's about to happen. The boys laughed at him, well he is right to hide. But can't do that for very long. Justin then said he has to go but he promised that he will see Brian again and soon, so as Demi and Taylor since Harry is dead scared to come up of the room. Dani and El also left with Perrie saying they would be back tomorrow. That left Brian with the lads.

        Tired for no obvious reason Brian kissed all of them goodnight and made her way to their room where she quickly lost awareness. The others followed her move except for Louis and Zayn. They took a few drinks just chilling out. Out of no where Louis said "Zayn do you like her?". Bradford just looked at Doncaster with a knot on his forehead. "Brian, Zayn.". Zayn nodded "Oh. Hmm. Of course I like her. She's my best friend. I love her to pieces even though she acts like a brat or always getting on my nerves. I will always love her no matter what." he said with a smile playing on his lips and his eyes sparkling. Louis just smiled "You know mate, you should look deeper into your heart." then left Zayn more confused than ever.

        Zayn was now lying beside Brian, his arms snaked around her like she was her girlfriend. He never thought anything about it because ever since their relationship was been like that. Thinking too much what Louis said he soon fell asleep.

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