Chapter 1

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     Zayn was then nervous. He didn't know how on Earth he would tell his best friend about his girlfriend. Yes, he mentioned Brian to Perrie a dozen times but Brian has no idea about Perrie. He sometimes wonder if Brian lives in a cave or something because their relationship has been in public and yet she never said anything about it. Well, she must've thought it was just for publicity.

        Brian noticed that Zayn is suddenly nervous. He can never lie to her since they basically grew up together. Brian's mom and Zayn's parents are close friends. She came from a well-off family but she has no siblings so Zayn and her sisters became her siblings. Zayn became her best friend since then. They know each other so well that one look means something. "What's wrong Zayn? You look like you just committed a murder." Brian stated. She;s right, Zayn was sweating even though it was freezing inside. As if acting on cue the lads stepped in. "Err, Brian you wanna grab some lunch?" Niall asked. "Right! Niall I brought you something!" Brian said while opening her bag pack. Zayn let out a sigh of relief because as much as he loves Brian so much and as much as he is scared to tell her he is pleased to know that she is still easily swayed or distracted.

        The lads are busy with Brian as she is now unpacking her things at Zayn's room. Zayn can still hear her voice even the door is closed. Hearing her tell stories made him smile. Perrie cleared her throat again to gain her boyfriend's attention. "Sorry babe." he said. He hold her hand and squeeze it show his apology. "That's Brian." he said with an award winning smile. Perrie was shocked to know that the Brian, Zayn was talking about for forever is a girl. And not just a girl, a very good looking with a rocking body type of girl. By the way she knotted her eyebrows she is really confused. Zayn chuckled then told Perrie their story for the nth time.

        After a few minutes the couple can hear Brian's voice getting louder and eventually the door opened and there she is, her mouth full from the burger she is eating. The lads are having fun with her, it's easy to see that they missed her so much. "Brian did you brought something for me?" Zayn asked her. Brian turned to him and blinked and then flew to their room and they can hear stuff being thrown out everywhere, and a few moments later Brian has something in her hands. She handed him something. A little smile playing on her lips. Zayn took the wrapped thing and without hesitation tore the wrapper. "Hey! I wrapped them myself." Brian told him. "I know babe! Hahahaha!". Zayn said while still tearing the paper. The gift inside made Zayn speechless and the boys smiled. "Brian this is amazing! You shouldn't have." Zayn said before he envelope her in a tight hug. Perrie was really stunned to see the intensity of the relationship.

        "I think I am not needed in here." Perrie said effectively ruining the moment. Louis grab Brian's arm and took her outside. As always Louis just has to say the magic words "SNAP SHOTS!" to get Brian outside. She loves photography so much that she even promised Zayn that when he gets married she wants to be the official wedding photographer.

        Once outside Zayn placed his hands on Perrie's shoulders to face her. "Okay, what's wrong?" he asked. "Babe I'm just overwhelmed to see your infamous bet friend. That's all." she said in defense. Zayn feels something is wrong but shrugged away that thought. They were cuddled up when the elevator door opened and the lads came in bursting in laughter. He was about to ask them what's happening just then Brian came in all drenched. Her clothes dripping, her hair covered in leaves. Even Zayn is already rolling in laughter he managed to ask "What happened to you?". "I fell down the wishing fountain." Brian stated. The lads let out another laughter and they are already in verge of crying, Louis and Harry and loudest.

        Since they are busy making fun of her, she decided to take a shower. She went to her, rather their room and stripped down to her underwear. She didn't bother closing the door because they've already seen her half-naked. She unpacked her Hello Kitty sleep wear since she is not going outside for now. She stepped in the shower and began washing herself. Zayn saw her stripped down. After a few moments Zayn came knocking at the door. She knows it's Zayn because of the cologne. "You okay?" he asked. Brian just kept silent and continue to wash her hair. Zayn knew then Brian is upset because every time she is in the shower her phone is with her blasting Justin Bieber's songs. This time her phone is resting on their bed and the only thing you can hear is the water being pulled down by gravity and her deep sigh every now and then. Zayn stood outside, waiting for an opening to talk to her.

        Brian knew she couldn't delay this forever. So, she shut the shower off and wrapped a towel. "Zayn could you hand me my clothes." she asked. Zayn shuffled his feet forward and instead of handing the clothes to her, he went inside the bathroom and locked it. Brian groaned internally  to what Zayn did. She knows that when he wants something from her, he would lock themselves in a room and no one will get out until he gets what he wants.

        "What do you want Zayn?" she asked. Before he spoke he let out a frustrated sigh. Yes, they've known each other since the beginning of time but still there are exceptions where they don't know what's going on inside each others heads , like now. "Okay, what's wrong?" Zayn breathed. Since they are still in the bathroom every sound seems so loud. "Nothing is wrong Zayn." she whispered. That answer made Zayn a little bit irritated. He can clearly see she is lying. "Oh come on! I know something is wrong so don't try to tell me that reason because that's full of bullshit! We both know we can't lie to each other Brian."he said, his voice unintentionally higher.

        The lads, including Perrie heard Zayn's outburst so Liam stood to tell those 2 to calm down before they hurt each other.

        Zayn is still gripping Brian's clothes meaning her body is still wrapped only by a towel. If it isn't Zayn in front of her she would've been disgusted or feel awkward but it is Zayn there. They're practically twins; well Brian was just one month late. Hehe. Liam is about to knock when he heard Brian's voice.

        Brian knew this moment would come, where she is finally going to burst because of Zayn. "You wanna know what's wrong? Nothing is wrong Zayn! Except the fact that all this time you chose to hide this from me. You of all people is the least I expected to do this from me. I thought we're better than this." Brian screamed. Tears starting to form in her eyes but blinked them away. She couldn't and wouldn't cry for this. This is so petty of her. Zayn is confused to what Brian is talking about but his instincts already know what it was. "You and Perrie Zayn." she finally said. "You're probably wondering why I haven't asked you about her isn't it? Well I assumed that you will be the first one to tell me about her. But no! I've only learned about it through the news, your concerts, pictures but still I've expected you to tell me. You know when did I stop? The day you told Mom about her Zayn. Still I expected but still none. And here in New York I thought this will be the time that you would tell me. You didn't even introduce me to her." she added, her eyes closed. The tears already flowing which she wiped it off quickly. She hates crying in front of him.

        Zayn is ashamed of himself because everything she said was the truth. It is a petty reason but she is right. They made a pact to tell each other anything and everything. "I'm sorry Brian. I just don't know how to tell you." he said, his head hanging low. "At least a heads up would be nice." she said quietly. Zayn then looked up and cross the distance between them, wiping her tears and saying "I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise." he whispered then kissed her forehead.

        Even though she is mad at him, she can't be mad at him for a long time. the longest time she's been at him was about 12 hours. She is about to embrace him but Zayn  already has his arms on her. He leaned backwards to tell her "I love you Brian!". She smiled and answered "I love you too Zayn!". Zayn's smile was blinding and she was left laughing quietly when he left the room, still with her clothes.

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