Part 12

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You walked up to Strange and said: "Please, If I don't come them the clip? And If I come back and act differently you kill me got it?!" He nodded at you and you then walked to the team of fighters. No one knew of your plans except Strange of course and he had no intention of telling anyone.

"I am not in charge here but, I do have the power to destroy the Time Stone as I already destroyed the Mind Stone. All I need from you all is cover." You explained and were about to continue when Quill asked: "Why do you need to destroy the time stone as well?"

"With the time stone Thanos can go back and retrieve the Mind Stone, Now listen up... It is an honor to fight this battle along with you but I can promise you that everything will go back to normal after this, Thor you need to remember to go for the head and Peter you need to be careful, and now that I love you. I care for you all and consider you all family. Now Let's beat this giant purple grape and teach him who he shouldn't meddle with!" That was your way of saying goodbye and it hurt but you wouldn't let anyone see, hear or know that. 

They all shared confused glances and nodded, scrambling to be ready for a battle while you got ready to work on the time stone. Internally everyone, even those who hadn't known you for long knew something was up but didn't question anything.

"Y/N, If you do not succeed we will lose more lives but still win, remember that," Strange said, trying to reassure you and you turned to him. "Dr. Strange....I thank you for your help and cooperation but I am going to succeed even if it causes my life, I am using a spell which will bring Nat,, everyone we have lost in this battle back, They will be there selves and everyone will go on as normal. Oh, and If I don't make it tell dad and Peter I love them."

With that, you started working on the Time Stone. You knew you had to absorb some of its power to permanently destroy it. The plan was simple: bottle up the energy and use it to weaken Thanos enough for Thor to kill him. Then either die from the spell or go to hell and give your soul to Satan in exchange for everyone's lives. You kept your concentration on your task while mentally telling Malphas how much he helped you and how much you appreciated him. You were so in thought you didn't notice they had started fighting but felt intense pain, not physically but mentally, Squirtward was trying to break your walls down and get into your head. The pain increased your power and the Time Stone floated into the air, you watched it float and let out a painful cry which made the stone explode.

You stood up and Thanos stood up from the last attack. He then looked at you and said: "I remember killing your father, I snapped his neck, really pathetic if you ask me. His last words where 'You will never be a God'" After hearing those words and Thanos mimicking Loki your pain increased and you snapped.

You could feel the power of two infinity stones inside you and you knew, now was the perfect time to do the spell. "Из тьмы ночи верните этих людей в нашу бесконечную борьбу!(Russian for: From the darkness of night bring back these people to our endless fight!)  Animi reduxit omnia integra!(Latin for: Souls brought back, everything intact!) Erleuchte den Weg und lass sie meinen Zorn spüren!(German for: Light the path and let them feel my wrath) Bring back those who are long lost for my own cost!" You practically yelled the spell.

After saying that you knew the spell worked and that after Thanos died everyone would be back. You weakly walked up to Thanos and said: "Those weren't his last words, dipshit! I destroyed your Mind and Time stone, you lost, and now... I'm gonna kill you." Then chuckled darkly, the draining feeling was pushed aside.

You started floating in the air and felt your power drain from the spell as it was killing you. You blasted Thanos and killed Squirtward then fell to your knees. "Thor! GO. FOR. THE. HEAD!!!" You yelled before seeing Thor aim and decapitate Thanos, then everything went black.

(A/N) ~Sorry for the short chapter but I'm going to make it up on the next chapter!:) Please comment and vote if you enjoy it, I do take requests for any type of story!

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