Chapter 9

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Blue eyes. Those beautiful, glimmering blue eyes that I was in love with. Nothing made me happier than waking up to them. They locked with mine as my eyelids fluttered open to wake me from my dreams — spoilers! I was dreaming about those eyes.

No doubt, I was dreaming about the man laying next to me.

His eyes remained on mine as my body sprawled out into a stretch, and I watched a smile grow on his face.

"Good morning, Yuri," he murmured, his voice low and husky. God, Victor's morning voice.

That was one thing I knew I would never get over.

"Were you... watching me sleep?" I asked, a yawn distorting my speech. A deep chuckle emitted from Victor's chest as he pulled my body closer to his.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said, cradling my head against his warm chest. I cuddled into him, letting my eyes close again.

"You're such a liar."

He laughed again, pressing a kiss onto my forehead and pulling the blanket over my shoulder. I was never a morning person, but waking up next to Victor meant more than anything to me.

Sure, he could've easily stayed in his own room, but neither of us wanted that. I wanted him in my room, my bed, and he definitely didn't complain.

I felt all of Victor's muscles relax as he, too, became tempted by sleep. I felt a lazy thumb rub circles into my hair, and a pair of soft lips occasionally brush against my forehead. It had been almost a month since Victor returned to Japan, and he always woke me up with kisses.

Now that I thought about it, he still owed me a kiss on the lips. That was the deal, I required at least one real kiss.

"Hey..." I brought my face away from his chest. "I think you're forgetting something," I teased, looking up at his angelic features. Before even opening his eyes, a smirk was brought to his lips.

"I knew you were gonna say that," he laughed, looking down at me. He didn't protest any further, he only pressed a sweet kiss onto my lips. I was about to demand more, but he cut me off with another one. "Needy," he whispered before rolling onto his back, taking my body with him. I straddled his waist, and he gripped my hips with a playful grin.

"Maybe," I admitted, kissing him again. "But you like that, don't you?"

He nodded his head, giggling as I brought his lips to mine. I let each kiss linger before continuing, and our lips fell into a slow rhythm.

It was like heaven.

To keep my legs from getting tired, I adjusted my position a little bit while focused on Victor's lips, mindlessly shifting my hips. I stopped when he gripped my hips tightly, and a sharp inhale broke our kiss.

"Hey, hey, baby," he said, grabbing my attention by locking my gaze onto his. "Be careful when you do that."

I was confused at first, and flustered from the nickname that he gave me. I stared into his eyes, and he laughed at my confusion.

"Yuri, come on," he said, expecting me to understand. "You're sitting on top of me, yes?" He asked as one of his hands drifted down my thigh. I nodded. Where was he going with this? "Think about it," he encouraged with raised eyebrows.

I blinked.

"Yuri," he threw his head back in laughter, "No way."

"What, Victor?" I whined, feeling embarrassed. "Tell me."

"How about I show you?" He asked, a devilish twinkle in his eye as he looked back at me. I was a little scared, but I accepted nonetheless. I really just wanted to know what was so funny.

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