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Quinn gazed tiredly at the flickering neon lights outside the motel window

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Quinn gazed tiredly at the flickering neon lights outside the motel window. Her gaze travels from the hues of pink and green, to Dean and Rose conversing about Lord knows what at the hour of 5 AM, as she sighed, holding back a loud yawn. Sam hadn't been able to sleep for days now, the nightmares hauntingly following him wherever he went. Though as soon as Quinn had sat beside him to whisper words of encouragement, he had fallen asleep at the tranquility of knowing he might've not gotten to Jessica in time, but Sam and Dean saved Quinn just at the nick of time. Sam hoped he'd get at least a little rest, enough to push through another hunt. Though it was difficult with Sam; he wasn't sure if it was the hunt he wanted to pursue, or the avenging of his dead loved ones.

Quinn sunk in her seat, feeling unconsciousness take over her. Her eyelids tentatively closed, and before she could fall asleep, she is awaken by the sound of Sam wincing and thrashing at the sheets.

"Sam? Sam!" Quinn yelled, recollecting herself speedily before she rushed to his side freezing at the sight of him struggling in his sleep. It had to be another nightmare.

She instinctively took the trembling boy into her arms, feeling her heart drop. "Sam, please wake up." She cried, shaking him vigorously.

Suddenly he sharply gasped, Sam regaining consciousness as he was snapped out of the nightmare's recurring reality. It had been the same one he had since Jessica was found dead, though the ending to it was different; twisted. Screwing his eyes closed, he had hoped a higher power was listening; he silently begged that the horrid nightmare would be taken away from his memory.

Panting, Sam yearned for comfort and solace immediately, retaliating as he gripped Quinn too, his head burying into her shoulder.

"Just breathe, look it was just another dream." Quinn sadly looked down at him, pursing her lips.

"I could have saved her, Quinn." Sam murmured, his eyelashes fluttering as his green eyes faded to a close.

"You did everything you could, Sam. But this demon... It's ruthless, and it only wants one thing, to make the people you care for suffer, for one reason being that he wants you afraid."

"What do I do about this?" Sam sighed.

"You don't give in. You said it yourself, we've got work to do and it won't be easy, but Dean's here. As for Rose and I, we aren't going anywhere either."

"Look, Quinn I appreciate you watching over me, but you really don't have to. Just get some rest for me, okay?"

"And if I said no?" Quinn quirked an eyebrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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