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Uneasiness filled what was left of the girl's very being

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Uneasiness filled what was left of the girl's very being. Quinn had parked at the other end of the street, watching Sam get out of the impala, a stern look painted on his face as Dean and him swapped words of endearment.

"So then what about dad, you just gonna let your brother go at this alone?"

"You've had your own back for years Dean, I'm sure dad is just stuck on a case in an area where cell reception is shit, and he can't reach us."

"It isn't like him to leave without any trace, Sam. The man is always ten steps ahead of whatever passes by him and you've known that." Dean defended.

"You can't just kidnap me from the university, and expect me to bandwagon on this Dean."

"Well maybe dad expected you to get back into hunting."

"What do you exactly mean by that one?" Sam furrowed his eyebrows.

"You're telling me it was absolutely coincidental that we ran into Quinn Mercury of all people on that Jericho case that dad wrote about in his journal? If dad knew the single thing that would suck you right back into the life, it had to be her, man."

"He could've had an eye on the case for weeks, months. Look, it could've been just the coincidence it comes out to be that Quinn was here too. I missed her, Dean. But she was a door I closed, over a decade ago. I can't just bring the past back."

"You have more of a choice in this then you think, Sammy. But if Stanford is really what's going to take you away from it all, then just go. Dad was right."


"About you being a son of a bitch about the things we hunt, the life we were raised into. But no Sam, look. No one has a leash on you. If you want to live your little apple pie life, then do it. No one's stopping you, not even Quinn could." Dean was visibly agitated with his stubborn younger brother, knowing it had been a proven waste of time trying to let Sam hear him out.

"I broke her heart, didn't I?" Sam murmured, looking over to where Quinn glanced down at her twiddling fingers tracing on the steering wheel to ease her heavy mind.

"Sawed right in half, yep." Dean nodded once his tone hinting a glint of sarcasm.

"This wouldn't hurt so goddamn much if she just stayed gone, you know?" Sam's voice gradually got softer, his eyes never leaving the dark haired girl who refused to even look in his direction.

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