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In all honesty, Quinn was not prepared for this moment to ever come. Suppose yes, they both did take part in hunting, but the country had fifty states. There had to be a one in a million chance they would stumble across each other on a hunt, so what was it that brought this on?

Once the two brothers recovered from the tumble over the bridge, Sam and Dean stood before the two women in awe, almost like they had been faced by a ghost of the past. The same energy radiated from Quinn and Rose who gaped at the brothers quite hysterically.

"How the hell did you know Dean Winchester and not bother to mention this to me?" Quinn regarded, crossing her arms.

"This was like sophomore year! I didn't even know you then. I didn't exactly think it'd be so important to mention a situationship that barely lasted a month, might I add."

"Ouch. Label's a bit harsh there, Rosie." Dean chided tauntingly, a smirk that Rose wished she could just smack right off rested on the pretty boy's face.

"Jesus, this isn't even important. How the hell was the impala driving itself?" Quinn gushed, Sam just staring at her almost in admiration.

Quinn looked over at Dean when he had cleared his throat quite awkwardly and vocally, sending Sam this disapproving look clearly frowning down upon his younger brother. But why?

Sam immediately pulled himself out of the state, shaking his head as she just stared at her in disbelief. "Quinn Mercury, you've aged. I almost didn't recognize you." He finally spoke, Quinn not hiding a grin that played on her lips.

"Oh I know, does the hair weigh me down? It's grown loads since thirteen." She stroked her pleated dark hair, as Sam slowly shook his head, a happy smile tugging at his lips.

Abruptly, Sam tugs the girl into an embrace, wrapping his arms tightly around the girl. "Just to know you're alive, and okay. It finally gives me peace."

"Sam here always felt like he failed you, Quinn."

"It's just... You never called, why?" Sam sighed with furrowed eyebrows. "I waited for years, Quinn. I-I even wrote you letters."

"What?" Her lips parted, feeling her heart sink imminently, and then all at once. "Sam, I-I didn't know. I didn't think you'd want to see me in the dark place I was in, I was a mess, so I didn't think to ring in for years. I isolated myself, and maybe it was selfish, but I needed to do some healing on my own." She felt the tears yet to come, choking them back as she looked down. "But as time passed, some part of me knew you'd be okay without me burdening. You were always on the move with your dad and Dean anyway."

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