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The sound of rain pitter-pattering on the car window was enough to send Quinn's body into a calm euphoria, her eyelids gradually closing. She barely got a full six hours of sleep that night, and her coffee hadn't been as strong as she intended it to be. Life was just unfair that way.

But her job awaited her, it even called to her in her slumber it felt like.

Quinn had fallen asleep, indulged in the inked words on the newspaper article opened in front of her, a pile of identical newspapers waiting on the passenger seat.

As she sat up in the velvet seat of her 2003 Mercedes, she uneasily dug her fingers through her dark hair with what appeared to be a permanent frown on her face, and an unchanging wrinkle between her brows. She's been parked under this post light for what has felt like forever.

She heaves a sigh, absolutely stumped on where to begin with such a complicated case.

In the process of grabbing her old grey flip phone, a polaroid picture falls to the carpet of the car, a slight gasp leaving her parted lips. Immediately going for the object within attention, her doe brown irises scan the photo, her heart aching and filling with this feeling of missing something. She didn't know if it was because it's been thirteen years since she remembered even having a relationship with her mother, or the fact that during that time she met a special person, someone she considered a good friend actually.

John Winchester had a younger son that just clicked with her, the duration of that time being what felt like the best seven days of her life. Most would go by their lives like nothing if it was a simple act of kindness, but Sam Winchester had her soul to a T. He knew her like the back of his hand.

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