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hey guys. So here's a new story of mine. I hope you love it. I KNO I KNOW, i haven't updated the other stories BUTT hear me out, these two have been living rent free in my head. Plz comment and leave a like.

WARNING: characters are toxic. Have a toxic relationship etc etc. Obviously it's fiction so plz remember that. I am not setting standards. Have fun reading!


"You look so pretty!" My mom smiled as she looked me over. "Oh my god I need to take a picture for your dad!" She grabbed her phone and snapped a quick picture. "Perfect!"

I weakly smiled back at her as I tugged at my skirt. I was wearing the uniform for the new school I would be attending this year. I never thought I would win the scholarship, move to a new town, and get praised for my grades,  but my life has been full of surprises recently.

"Grab a juice bottle and let's go!" My mom said as she walked out the door.

I looked at myself one last time feeling uncertain on this new journey. However I had to admit that I liked how I looked in this uniform. It was a fitted navy blue jacket with the Wilmer Academy school badge stitched on to my upper right side. There was three gold clasp buttons on each side of my sleeves where the sleeves ended. Under I wore a crisp white shirt dress with a small navy bow that was hanging at my collar.  My skirt matched the jacket but it was checkered with white and blue. I added long socks and some white sneakers. I looked very clean and the clothes were very crisp. I mean it must be since the uniform was sent to me. After all it was a very prestigious high school i was attending and I had to fit the mold.

I didn't bother to grab the juice bottle my mom had prepared for me because I was too nervous to eat or drink anyways. My stomach was a bit queasy and I couldn't fathom the thought of eating anything.

As soon as I walked out the warm summer breeze brushed over my long dark brown hair that I struggled to style. I felt my bangs move a little so I reached and put them back into place.

"Layla! Hurry!" My mom called from the car, waving her arms frantically.

I bent down, grabbed my backpack off the floor and ran over.


As soon as reached the school parking lot, I begin to feel the nerves kick in. This school looked much older than what the brochure had shown. It resembled a castle, very victorian but still very beautiful and spacious. It had large doors and barely anything looked modern or tech.

I spot various teens hopping out of ridiculously expensive cars. I begin to chew the inside of my mouth. Is this how it is here?

My stomach did flips as I zeroed in on the way the students wore their outfits. Everyone looks so crisp and like they walked out of a fashion magazine. The girls added dainty jewelry to their outfits and their hair looked unbelievable. Some girls wore heels and some girls were like me and rocked sneakers. However, their sneakers had very expensive labels attached. The guys looked also so euphoric and not a single thing messy or wrinkled in their fit. They sported luxury watches and some wore shiny cuban chains around their necks. They looked like a million bucks even though we had the same outfits.

I grabbed the hem of my skirt to calm my nerves. Maybe this was not a good idea. Maybe it would be hard to find a place.

"What's wrong?" My mom turned to me. Her brows creased together.

I let out a deep breath. "Nothing." I quickly opened the door and stepped out.

"Call me if anything happens." My mom called from the car but I was already trying to rush through the students and find my classes, head down.

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