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As soon as mathematics ended, I grabbed my bag and bolted.

I didn't want to be there in case Kier wanted to push buttons and embarrass me after the little stunt I had pulled. It sure kept him quiet for the rest of the class even though I still felt the heat of his glare in the back of my head.

I passed various students as I ran through, some looking back at me curiously. I tried not to stop until I got somewhere safe to breathe. I finally saw the main library that everyone talked about and made a sharp turn. I arrived at the ginormous library's double doors and quickly stepped in, heart beating fast. I couldn't breathe and had to step to the side and catch my breath.

I then closed the door behind me and gravitated slowly with awe towards the large towering bookshelves.

"Wow." I breathed as I slowly took in the place.I ran my fingers slowly on the spines of books as I passed through. This was amazing.

"Hello dear!"

I jumped and spun around. There in front of me was a small old lady beaming at me. "Do you need help?"

I shook my head. "No no." I answered. "I'm just passing through."

"Okay!" The little lady smiled warmly. "Take your time. If you need anything I'll be back here." She turned and went back to where she had come from I assumed. I looked around and saw many students enjoying their books quietly. I wanted to see more of this ginormous place.

I rounded the corner and my heart stopped beating for a second. My stomach dropped.

The devil himself was leaning against a large shelf a couple of feet away. His long fingers flipping through  the book that was in his hands.

He licked his index finger and flipped the page. "Cute little stunt you pulled there, Alder." His words filled with venom. His eyes met mine.

My eyes widened and I had to remember to breathe. "You asked for it." I said, hoping that I sounded venomous just like him.

That seemed to set him off. I saw his emerald eyes darken and he started stalking towards me, only stopping inches away.

He threw the book he was skimming through at my feet which made me jump a little. He dropped his glare slowly, meeting my eyes. His scorching green eyes searched my face with a menacing look that made me feel uneasy.

I backed up until I felt my back meet with a the hard surface of the old oak shelves. My hands became sweaty and I unknowingly grabbed the hem of my skirt as he leaned down slowly. I got a very strong whiff of burning wood and warm musk?

I could not look up, I only focused on the palpitation of my heart. I saw his hand come up and grab my chin forcibly and jerked my head towards him. I felt myself stumble towards him and my eyes met his stormy ones.

His fingers felt hot on my chin. "If you keep this up, you're not going to want to stay here very long, Alder." He sneered, a faint aroma of musk and wood enveloped me.

My heart raced. He was threatening me.

I felt the angry heat rise in my system and I quickly shoved him off me. His eyes widened slightly as he regained his balance after stumbling a couple of inches away.

My hands formed into fists on both sides of my body. "You want me to dumb myself down?" I think I was shouting. "For you?!" I was shaking with rage. "You're so pathetic Westwood." I bit out.  "If you were really all that smart then I wouldn't be such a problem!"

Kier's eyes filled with disgust and widened with shock. "You're going to see Alder." He snarled, his chest heaving. "Oh you're going to see." He pointed out a long finger accessorized with a bulky silver ring. "Don't be crying I didn't warn you." He stormed off, making sure to hit against my shoulder roughly on his way out.

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