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hello guys! plz like this chapter and comment what you think! I hope you like it.


William and I stepped out the back of the black Bentley.

I grabbed my school bag and slung over my shoulder. "Have a good day boys." My driver called out of the window as he pulled out of the school's parking lot.

"I don't wanna be here right now." William muttered as he bent down to tie his shoe laces.

I looked at him. "And risk our lives in the hands of our fathers?"

William laughed. "You know what? I am grateful that my dad is not as strict as yours."

I frowned. "Well aren't you lucky."

William swayed slightly as he eyeballed something behind me in the distance. "Isn't that Alder?"

I turned slightly to investigate what had caught his attention. It was definitely Alder. She was getting out of a black Mustang, well she was struggling to get out. Her skirt lifted, exposing her upper thigh as she slid off the seat. Her face reddened as she pulled it down and I snickered to myself . This girl was so entirely innocent that I doubted she has been kissed.

A young blond guy then gets out of the drivers seat and walks around the car. He hands her bag and they pass words to each other as she chews on her lip nervously. Oh that was certainly not a relative.

William chuckled next to me as he watched them. "Looks like Alder's got a boyfriend." He sang. "I mean she's not bad on the eyes so that's not surprising."

I felt my annoyance spike and I whipped around. "Who the fuck cares?" I started to walk away and William followed. I have greater things to worry about.


I hoped that Alder could feel my raging gaze burn in the back of her big head. I watched her cover the sides of her face with her chocolate hair. She was hiding, she was insecure. Maybe she was hiding from me? Now that would be amusing. She sure made it seem like she could bite my head off.

Id be lying if I said I didn't enjoy how big her light hazel eyes widen or narrow when I offended her or even when her cheeks flush pink when she gets embarrassed. I spent the whole time catching myself contemplating her. I mean, I couldn't really give much fucks about today's lecture anyways. My tutor was gonna come later to review regardless.

I felt contempt with the fact that Alder had to struggle and write down lectures, meet with teachers, and review material constantly by herself. She had to prove herself or else she'd fall back. She had no advantages so she worked harder which almost made me laugh aloud. I wondered what her parent's did for a living that they couldn't give her a tutor.

My mind wondered too far and I started to think back to this morning when I had seen her with that blond guy. What was he to her? Did they-

I quickly shook my head and stopped observing her, forcefully tearing my eyes away. Why did I drift into such vulgar thoughts. Why the fuck is it my problem?



Right after physical education I turned on my phone to find a single message from an unknown number.

Meet me at the library


I guess he wanted to talk about the project. We only had today and tomorrow left. It was easy enough to do on my own but I knew Mr. Spence would mark us down if he figures out we didn't end up working on it together.

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