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It was plain torture that I had to go to school the next day after what had happened yesterday. I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night and I think it was kind of apparent on my face.

Kier's eyes jumped into my mind constantly and remembering the kiss made me feel queasy. I knew he didn't mean the kiss. It was obvious in his eyes. He looked mortified and disgusted by what had happened as if he hadn't practically pounced on me. At least I won't worry about him bragging about his kiss to anyone.

I didn't know what to make of it. It had felt somewhat good but knowing it was Kier made me feel sick, it made my stomach drop. I haven't really kissed anyone before him and I hated that he was right about me being such an inexperienced girl. Why would he kiss me if he thought I was so terrible? Nothing made sense and it only made my head hurt.

I wondered if he told Chanel. They both probably laughed and mocked me. I shuddered at the the thought.

But he still kissed you.

I ignored that thought and opened the math classroom door. I also ignored Kier's suffocating presence and his taxing gaze on me. I turned in our project and sat down, hiding the side of my face he could see with my hair.

During lunch, Katie came up and asked me where we should eat and I told her anywhere but the public eye. So then we quickly grabbed lunch and opted to sit out in large plush field, behind the classrooms. It was a little cold but I didn't mind the slight breeze. We also grabbed our books to read afterwords.


"And that's how it came about. My daddy bought me the car." Chanel finished her rather lengthy story.

"Cool." William's underlying tone of boredom was apparent.

However, I could give less of a fuck about Chanel's new car or the drama of how she got it. I was busy scanning the great hall for a certain dark haired girl who was often paired with a ditsy blonde.

She wasn't anywhere that I had thought she'd be. She was hiding, hiding from me. She made it clear that she was mortified after what happened between us yesterday. Not like I had expected her to be happy but I, at the very least, did not expect her to run like I was the most vile thing she's ever touched.

She also hasn't told anyone. I haven't heard any rumor circulate. Any other girl would have gone and told everyone. She must be so embarrassed. And I didn't know what to make of that. I tried not to wonder too much as to why she would be so embarrassed to kiss me? A Westwood. It was rather interesting that she hid it when this would have helped her popularity soar.

I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples. I couldn't really explain why I had done what I did. Its mostly likely because I haven't fucked a girl in a while due to my father breathing down my neck. For whatever reason, it sure wasn't because I was interested in her.

I was incapable of really deciphering if it was a mistake or a blessing because now that grimy commoner left me alone and was out of my sight.

Although I did enjoy seeing how far I could have gotten with that nun. Her scent still lingered around my nose, of warm vanilla and white flowers. I relished in the idea of showing her exactly how much I hated her. I wanted to see how big her doe eyes could get and how much longer it would take before she finally spreads her-

"Take a walk with me." William got up, tearing me away from my thoughts. "I need to stretch my legs."

I knew what that meant. It meant that William wanted a break from Chanel's constant chatter. I easily obliged and stood up.

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