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"I want to go as Darth Vader." I spun in Katie's chair. We were at her house after school and I just finished telling her about what Hayden had told me. She was shocked but then she became very excited when I told her she was my plus one.

Katie laughed. "He's not even going to notice you if you do that."

I shrugged. "I'm honestly not going for Bryson." I rubbed my face with my hands. "I'm going to have some fun. I love Halloween and it would be a shame if I didn't go." The stress of school, grades, and keeping up with life was getting to me. Not helping was Kiers interactions. All I could remember was my hand stinging and him calling me a bitch right after. There was no way on earth we were going to reconcile. As if reconciliation is in Kier's vocabulary. Actually, you know what? I'm glad that I don't have to speak to him.

Katie nodded. "You're right." She sighed. "Plus Bryson isn't the hottest guy ever. There's hotter guys at our school."

I rolled my eyes. "Well who's the hottest guy then?"

Katie's eyes widened. "Oh definitely Kier Westwood."

My mouth went dry. Was he? I never really compared him to other guys at school. Maybe it was because he was always front and centre causing me distress. "You think so?" I hope my tone wasn't giving anything away.

"Yes!" She brushed through her hair. "Although he looks like he's inbetween killing you and fucking you."

I gasp and my stomach flips. "Katie!"

"What!" She dropped her hands. "I totally can see how he's looking at you. It's almost like he's cracking." She rose her brows. "And Kier Westwood does not crack. Like ever."

I bring my knees up to my chest as I try to digest this information. "Whe-when have you seen him-"

"Oh like as soon as he met you." She turned and started to put clips in her hair. "You may not see it but I did. It's like he has this inner conflict. A war he's fighting within him." She laughed. "I saw it because Kier has always been stone cold expressionless."

My thoughts raced in my head. I licked my lips and hugged myself tighter. "I don't even know what to do with this information Katie." I sighed. Kier and I weren't on speaking terms. I wasn't even sure if I was comfortable around him anymore. His cold eyes, dark demeanour, and scathing words were enough to keep anyone running.

Katie shrugged. "Well you should be super proud or no maybe like surprised? You caught the eyes of the biggest prize in our school or our society for that matter." She looked at me. "I'm just not sure how Chanel would ever handle information like this."

Proud? Proud that I caught the devils attention! This was surprising sure, but i'm definitely not proud. More like terrified at what was next. Especially with Chanel...

I shook my head. "Chanel and him are going to end up together." I stared at the brush full of Katie's hair. "I'm just a toy he's playing with now."

Katie groaned. "You think so?!" She turned to me and frowned. "I hate that orange haired bitch."

I shrugged, trying to ignore the way my chest was constricting. "I just don't think he really likes me."

Katie sighed. "I wish I knew what his true feelings were." She got up. "But it's okay! It's totally okay! You're so hot and so smart. You don't need to worry about Kier! I'm sure he's just being stupid."

Stupid? Like stupid that he's showing interest? Maybe I was the stupid one for looking way too much into it.

I felt the agony of these thoughts growing onto me. Maybe Katie was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2022 ⏰

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