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"Alder!" Mr. Spence called. "Westwood!" He looked at us. "Pair! We have a project due this weekend."

Fuck that.

To my right I heard Alder groan aloud and I frowned. Other girls would have been thrilled to be my partner but this girl was willing to sacrifice her grade in order to stay away from me. I wondered if it has to with anything that I said last night.  The things I regrettably said actually. I was a mess when I was drunk. But to be fair, she's always hated me.

I swear it did not bruise my ego, though I couldn't really stand how she just excused me. I mean the feeling was mutual. I didn't like her either but my curiosity was killing me.

Alder then turned around meeting my eyes, which were already on her. I winked at her and enjoyed seeing how more aggravated she got. Her eyes narrowed and spun her head back around, facing the teacher again.

I couldn't lie that I wasn't a little excited for a little more alone time with her.


I waited impatiently until the math class was over and I quickly got out my seat. I felt Kiers eyes follow me as I swiftly went to speak to Mr. Spence.

"Yes Alder?" He smiled up at me as he quickly gathered his things. He looked like he was in a hurry and it caused me to panic.

I looked at Kier still sitting in his desk. Why hasn't he left? He's usually always gone my now. He was looking at me with the same unbothered look on his face. "I need to speak to you." I played with my fingers nervously. I hated that Kier was looking here and possibly listening.

Mr.Spence nodded. "About?"

"The project." I whispered, hoping Kier wouldn't hear. He was up now and had put on his backpack. He was moving incredibly slow and it was killing me.

Mr. Spence looked at me with concern. "What is the problem?"

I leaned closer and almost whispered. "I want a new partner." As soon as I said that Kiers neck snapped up and he looked at me, his eyes piercing me. I felt the blood rush out of my body and I closed my eyes in frustration. He had heard me? "I h-hate my partner." I stammered out. "We don't work well."

"I'm sorry." Mr. Spence apologized. "But Miss. Alder there is no one that can trade you. I will switch you next time."

My shoulders slumped. "Okay."

Mr. Spence got up and left the classroom. "Don't worry next time I will rearranged the students!" He called as he disappeared out the door.

I frowned. Wow thanks that was very reassuring.

I watched Kier set his jaw, giving me a dangerous glare. He then started to take long strides over to me. His tall fit and lanky frame blocked any view I had. I panicked and hurriedly grabbed my bag off the floor and started to run out the door.

Kiers heavy footsteps followed me as I practically ran through the large hallway. I turned around and he was closer than I thought. He reached and as soon as he grabbed me, I almost scream. He pulled me forcefully into an empty corridor on the side. My back thudded lightly against the concrete walls.

"What are you doing?" He sneered, his green eyes full of menace.

I pushed him off of me. "I'm trying to change partners. Can't you see?" I bit back. It was hard to be as cutthroat as him, especially when he was looking right at me like that.

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