Unlucky New Wife

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Corin Wright slammed back the shot and dropped her head down onto the bar. She moaned and heard a slight laugh.

"Bad day?" The bartender asked her and she shoved the four shot glasses back at him raising her head. An ice blue gaze met his.

"You could say that, fill them up." she gestured to the glasses. He looked at the clock, it was six pm. The place was pretty dead. Only five people here including her. Though she knew that later the younger crowd would be here and the place would be loud and happening. However he clearly thought something wrong with her. Corin spilled it to him.

"Just lost my job. Just moved to this city, in a different country. No friends or family here. My car is sitting in the impound lot due to the fact that I parked somewhere I shouldn't have, I guess." she gave a sigh. "To top it all off I was mugged, all my ids gone. Except my passport," she raised it up from her pocket, "and this bit of cash. I had in my pocket."

"Just four?" He said with a smile and pulled up another shot glass. "On the house."

"Thanks." She said and took the first shot. She sat there for a bit and slowly took the rest. She moved to the end of the bar and watched as it started to fill. She ordered a drink and sat there nursing it. She was really feeling it by eight thirty and her personal problems not so bad. Maybe she should just get a bottle and find somewhere to cry.

"Compliments of Andy." This was a new bartender. He pointed down the bar to a group of men. One gave her a smile and she smiled back. She downed the drink she got up and moved toward the bathroom. She was rather unsteady and went in grabbing onto things to stay up right. She had a stupid smile on her face but felt good. Ah nothing like numbing the pain.

Corin left the bathroom after fixing her copper colored hair and went back out. She thought perhaps she should go home. Home to what though? She didn't want to call her parents tomorrow for help. Didn't want to think about paying to get her car out or new IDS.

So she went back to the bar and sat down. She swayed on her seat and grabbed the bar to steady herself. She wanted another drink. Simply because life sucked at the moment and it couldn't get much worse.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" The bartender asked.

"No." She said and he gave a shrug sliding her another drink. Though she had a feeling he might just be cutting her off. Damn.

"You should be careful, to much can lead to bad choices." She turned her head to look at the man sitting down next to her who spoke. Her sight was swimming a bit but she brought him into focus. Woo hoo! And she meant that.

"It numbs the pain of such things." She replied, a slur to her words. "Life has decided to dump on me this week and when it rains it pours."

She looked him over, he had to be six foot or so with dark brown hair and green eyes with a touch of gold, like flakes of it. He seemed physically fit. Damn he was good looking, or was that booze? Everyone looked good when you were drunk. Then you woke up next to the toothless wonder and couldn't figure out how you got there. Corin felt a slight laugh.

"I couldn't agree more." He said and got a drink as well. "What is your name?"

"Corin." She supplied holding out a hand he took it.

"Ethan." He stated, his gaze moving over her face and then lower for a moment. Well at the least he didn't seem like a complete asshole. Actually his eyes looked sad. He could check her out if he wanted, didn't mean anything was going to happen.

"Why are you here alone? It doesn't look like you are here with someone nor waiting." He said to her, she sighed and drank a bit more.

"I'm not waiting." She proceeded to tell him her day and he just listened. "So here I am jobless and drunk." She smiled at him. "Looks like you picked a winner to sit next to."

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