Bad Batch Ep.9 AU

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Disclaimer: I don't own star wars or anything relating to star wars this is all fanfiction

"Now what should I do?" Omega asked. She had just activated the panel like Tech told her to. Tech began to explain the next step but Omega felt a chill run down her spine as she turned to see Cad Bane walk from the fog.

"By hook or by crook... you're coming with me." Bane reached towards Omega and she faltted herself against the wall with a gasp.

"Omega?" Tech asked over the comms, wondering why she hadn't asked for more instructions. "Do you copy?" Tech tried to reach her again. Omega didn't respond, she jumped right in an attempt to avoid Bane, but the skilled bounty hunter grabbed her arm.

"Get off of me." Omega struggled, desperately trying to free herself. "Let me go!" Omega's panicked pleas were heard over the com and Tech, along with the rest of clone force 99, knew that Omega was in trouble again.

"I still can't get a good read." Tech informed Hunter.

"Hunter, I need you!" Omega shouted, despite knowing that he couldn't help. Tech tapped his communication device, hoping that some miracle would give him Omega's location.

"Omega!" Hunter shouted back, pushing Tech out of the way as if getting closer to the sound of her voice meant being closer to her. His heart was beating faster than it ever did in battle. He wanted so badly to help her, to tell her everything would be alright but he was terrified. Terrified of losing her. Cad threw Omega's com-set on the ground and was about to smash it, but the young clone still had some fight left and she knew she needed Tech to help her. So Omega shoved Cad with all her strength and for a moment it threw him off balance. He wasn't expecting the child to fight back and so Omega managed to pull herself free. She scooped up her com set and started to run. Hunter just kept yelling her name over the channel.

"Hunter, he's right behind me, what do I do?" Omega shouted as she ran, turning a corner to avoid getting shot. Hunter didn't know what to do. She didn't have her weapon or any real training, she was just a kid.

"Run, and find another power source so we can come and get you." Hunter said the first thing that came to mind.

"Okay, I'm on it-" Omega felt a hand on her shoulder and she was thrown backwards. Her com flew from her hand landing a little ways away. "No," Omega was lifted off the floor by Bane and this time he held her arm tighter. "I'm not going with you." Omega tried to plant her feet but Bane just calmly walked towards her communication device dragging her with him. HUnter's heart sank as he heard Omega's protests. She was caught and he couldn't run in and save her, he didn't even know where she was.

"You're lucky they want you alive," Cad says as he swings Omega in front of him.

"Who wants me?" Omega demands and Hunter hopes that the bounty hunter would slip up and reveal something that could help him. But Echo knew Cad Bane better, he'd encountered him before, and Echo knew he was a professional.

"You'll soon find out." Bane replied and with that he smashed Omega's communication device.

On the ship, the line went static and Hunter's heart nearly skipped a beat. They lost contact with Omega. Echo asked Tech if he had a location but the answer wasn't helpful. Wrecker sat down, a hand pressed to his head. Wrecker spent the most time with Omega, he truly cared for her, they all did. Hunter sat down too, he couldn't tell if it was his injury or the idea of losing Omega that was making his stomach turn. He had lost fellow soldiers before, sure they were Regs, but they still counted. He just couldn't seem to stomach the thought of losing Omega. Hunter wanted to have hope but his fear was creeping into his thoughts, could that have been the last time he heard Omega's voice? If he hadn't gotten shot, if he'd protected her better, she would be safe on the ship. If she dies, it would be his fault.

"We'll find her, Hunter." Tech places a hand on Hunter's shoulder and Hunter nods. Still he just wants to find Omega, it's all he wanted.

Time skip, somewhere during the battle between Cad and Fennec, after Omega used the satellite...

Omega saw an opportunity, it may not be the smartest thing, but she knew she couldn't climb down if Toto kept attacking her. So she turned and jumped on top of him. As the fell and a semi-slow pace Omega braced for impact. She tried to jump off and go straight into a run but she fell. Her head hid the head platform but not before she felt a pain in her leg. Omega regained consciousness quickly. She was happy to see that she was still on the platform but horrified to find her leg covered in blood. She stared at the nasty gash on her thigh, she was bleeding badly. Omega knew a little bit about medicine, she knew her injury could be treated and that it wasn't fatal but the cut was still deep and it hurt. Omega had had tiny scraps and bruises but this was new to her. Tears welled up in her eyes and streaked her cheeks. It hurt, she had never experienced pain like it before and she didn't know if she would even be able to get up. She looked up at the balcony and saw Bane and Fennec fighting. That's when her instinct kicked in and adrenaline re-entered her veins. She forced herself up with a pained cry and limped towards the pod. She stumbled twice barely managing to get back on her feet. Luckily she made it to the pod and sat in the seat, looking over the controls. She launched the pod and watched Toto fly off the front glass. Omega felt a sense of accomplishment for evading her captures but then the pod began to malfunction. Omega didn't know what to do, she couldn't fix the damage and the ship was going down. Omega looked at her leg and closed her eyes, fearing for her life, hoping that Tech and everyone knew where she was and that they would save her. Then suddenly she stopped falling, the abrupt stop caused her to fly from her chair to the ground. For a moment Omega feared that it was Fennec or Bane but when the hatch opened Wrecker greeted her.

"Omega, are you in there?" He asked, his head sticking through the open hatch.

"Wrecker!" Omega shouted. She was so overjoyed she forgot about her leg and tried to stand. Pain shot through her as she fell to the floor and cried out.

"Omega!" Wrecker dropped down into the pod and Omega leaned against him sniffling. "Guys!" Wrecker shouted, as he looked at Omega, tear streaked face and bloody leg. "Omega's hurt!" Wrecker passed Omega up to Echo and Hunter knelt by her side. He hated to see her hurt but the second she saw him, she leaned against Hunter. Hunter resisted his urge to wince and took the pain as he held Omega. She cried slightly as Tech examined and bandaged her wound. When he was finished, Omega wiped away her tears and Hunter sighed in relief.

"Are you okay?" He asked and Omega nodded.

"I think so, but Hunter, why is this happening?" Omega whimpered. "Why are the Kaminoans after me?" Echo rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Hunter with a sigh.

"Hunter, you have to tell her." Hunter knew that Echo was right and Omega looked up at him from her place on the floor. Hunter then nodded to himself.

"I know Echo, but for now Omega just needs rest." Hunter lifted Omega into his arms despite it hurting, he passed Omega to Wrecker who took her to her room. Hunter knew that Bounty hunters would still be coming after Omega and he logically knew that he wouldn't be able to stop them all but he would protect Omega. He would protect her until his last breath. 

Thanks for reading. I have not edited this at all because I have been editing my novel all day and I feel dead. Sorry.  I'll probably come back later and read through it, till then I'm sorry that it's a mess. Hope you enjoyed reading it anyways.

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