Chapter 3

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I was in a room with these Avengers, it was really quiet. Some are thinking, some are staring in disbelief and well...Thor is being irritated. I bit my lip and rubbed my hand gently with my thumb "So...any questions?" I asked nervously and Thor frowns "We've asked them, you just stay quiet" he says coldly as I look down at my hands quickly "Do you know how you ended here?" Asked Loki gently, he was gentle with me, I could tell that he has caused trouble between the Avengers, the Bruce guy keeps staring at him once in awhile like he was thinking about something, Tony sometimes just frown at him. I look up at him and smile slightly "I was teleported, I was supposed to be somewhere else but I ended up in the sky landing on the ground.." I say gently as Thor looks over at me "So you can teleport to different planets?" He asks as I nod "But I can't now, they don't know where I'm at possibly..." I say gently.

Tony sits up and rubs his arm "So...we don't know where you are, you have super strength apparently.." he says as I sigh softly "Look I have no time for this, did you want to ask any other questions or can I leave?" I asked as Tony raises his brows "So, how are you gonna do that?" He asks as I frown my brows and put my hand on my hip and then my eyes widened "My tablet.." I say softly and looked around "Your what?" Tony asks which made me stand up quickly running out of the room looking at the hallway "I haven't seen this area.." I whispered and then turned to see Tony running after me which makes me frown and open my hand and quickly close my hand pulling it towards me making the table in the room fly to the door blocking it and I run down the hallway "Where is it?" I asked worriedly before falling in a hole and landing in a chair seeing the Avengers as Strange finishes making a circle with his hand and puts it down "What?" I ask gently looking around seeing the same room as I was in before looking over at the door to see the table against the door "So...magic is secret.." he says as I blush lightly and look away embarrassed "Fine..." I growl softly and crossed my arms "I'm from a planet called...Xeilong..." I say softly as both Loki's and Thor's eyes widened "Xeilong?! That planet has been destroyed!" Thor asks shocked as I look up at him "Well.. not anymore" I chuckle smirking and Steve looks over at me "So, why are you here? The real reason"

I look at everyone and sigh "I'm telling the truth about the teleportation...I was teleported here, I've never heard of Earth before.." I say as Thor slams his hands on the table "The truth Xeling!" He shouts as I jumped "I'm saying the truth Asgardian!" I shout back frowning the floor shattering and then gulp gently and then closed my eyes breathing out "I was supposed to be teleported to one of our companions planet but it got destroyed while I was fading.. my planet has been attacked" I say softly biting my lip as Loki grabs Thor's arm "Thor, I think she's speaking truthfully.." he says as Thor frowns "My father trusted your kind" Thor spat as I look down "That was before my time, my gods was the one who fixed our planet.." I answered. Everyone looks at us in disbelief and shock, they had nothing to say "Well, we need a back story.." Tony chuckles sitting on his chair.

"Xeilong was an Ancient planet that had protected all planets..." Thor says walking around the table slowly holding his hammer "Their kind trusted Asgard with Mjöllnir's stone and all might, but one day they attacked Asgard, believing that we had used Mjöllnir wrongly and evilly" he explains as I sigh softly looking down "And Asgard destroyed our planet, with its core" I whispered gently and then Strange taps his chin gently "Well, very odd" he says quietly as Nat sits up "So how did Xeilong fix their planet?" She asks as I smiled "Our gods created another, they believed we have wronged Asgard, so our lords and queens has only done the right things. We haven't made war, we be hidden in sight on other planets...we've never found Asgard's teleportation coordinates so we could apologise and send a peace offering.." I smiled as Thor drops his frown "I'm sorry...a peace offering?" He asks as I nod looking up at him "We've been searching for your planet to come and apologise.."

Thor looks over at me and then grumbles gently and stood straight "I'm going for a walk.." he says walking out of the room breaking the table instantly "Well you're gonna have to pay for that!" Tony shouts at Thor as Loki watches him walk with a slight smirk "Well, you have righted my brother.." he chuckles as I blush lightly and look up at him slightly "You don't seem as hot headed as sparkles" I asked as Loki chuckles gently "You haven't seen me angry.." he smiles as Bruce looks over at him "Oh but you have.." Bruce chuckles as Loki's face drops looking at Bruce. Natasha sits up and stretches "Well...what do we do Stark?" She asks as Tony looks over at me for a moment "I say we keep her, and see what she does next.." he smiles as I blush "W-Wait here on Earth?" I asked him as he nods "Steve will look after you.." he says as Steve looks at Tony "Stark you're joking...why not Thor?" He asks as Tony raises a brow "He would try and kill her.." he says to Steve as I heard a voice "I will.."

I turn to the voice and look at Loki having his hand up and he clears his throat "I feel me and Y/n here will get along very nicely.." he smiles as Tony rolls his eyes "Whatever, Reindeer Games will look after supernatural here" he says standing up as Loki points at Tony "Don't call me that.." he says sternly with a frown as Tony chuckles gently and walks out of the room I stood up and rubbed my arm "Come with me, you'll need some average clothes.." Loki says as I look at him "I'm sorry but this is fine clothing" I say as Loki chuckles walking out of the door "Oh I understand, fine clothing gets destroyed is a terrible feeling.." he calls out as I raised my brow quickly following Loki.

I walked beside Loki looking at the ground "So what is Xeilong like?" He asks gently as I look over at him "It's beautiful, the sky is beautiful, it's always blue and purple, never changes.." I say softly closing my eyes "The clouds are like Earth's but it's so translucent.." I say softly and open my eyes and then Loki smiles warmly "What about the night sky?" He asks as I giggle gently "Beautiful, so much colour in the sky but see so many stars and astroids..." I say gently as Loki nods "Sounds wonderful.." he says quietly as I look down "Tis, our planet is so war, no battles just peace.." I say quietly and then I look outside through the window "What is Asgard like?" I asked as he chuckles gently "Uh, well...about that" he says before hearing my name called "Sorry? But did you hear that?" I asked as he looks at me confused "Unfortunately not, what was the matter?" He asks as I heard my name called again as my eyes widened "Oh! Silly me, must've been the wind. May you please show me the bathroom?" I asked as he nods pointing towards the door and I smile "Thank you, won't be a moment.." I say quickly running into the bathroom and closed the door behind me and then went to a stall and closed the door and closed my eyes.

"XE104, have you gotten the objective?" As I shake my head "Unfortunately not, it's been held" I say as I heard a growl making me jump slightly and look around "XE104 we need the objective immediately!" It shouts at me as I close my eyes tightly from my fear "Please forgive me, I am trying my hardest" I say nervously and fall to my knees bowing my head "I will give you a week time, if you don't have the objective I will come and get it myself...while slicing at your throat" Making me tear up "Yes my blessing.." I whispered.

I open my eyes looking around seeing that I was on the ground kneeling in the stall making me stand up and breathed deeply "I'm in so much trouble..." I whispered and rubbed my head gently and walked out of the stall seeing a sink and then tapped on it making a soft clinking sound making me giggle gently and started to tap on it more "What on lord.." I laugh gently as Loki knocks on the door "Finished?" He asks as I smile "What on lord is this?" I call out laughing gently as Loki opens the door slightly seeing me at the sink making him chuckle "It's called a sink.." he smiles as I smile widely "A sink..." I repeated and smiled "It's a beautiful instrument" I say walking towards the door as Loki raises his brow and chuckles gently.

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