9. the tease

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"One, two, three..." you stood in front of his desk, eyes directly staring at him as you began counting.

He stood up at the sound of your voice, as if he was waiting for your confirmation before moving to do anything. His hands went over to the numerous papers scattered on his desk and gathered them all in one stack.

"...Twenty one, twenty two, twenty three..." you watched as he moved everything that was on his desk as you counted.

He removed everything. He cleared his desk—placed scrolls and such in their proper locations, stuffed some inside drawers.

"...thirty, thirty one, thirty two..."

He circled his table and began making his way over to you. You turned around to face him, but you didn't stop counting. He didn't stop walking closer to you until stood directly in front of you, until you felt yourself hit his desk.

"...forty seven, forty eight, forty nine." you barely managed to get the number out before he dove in to have his lips meet yours. But instead, you lifted your hand at the perfect time, covering your mouth away from the male.

Rather than getting annoyed at your gutsy actions, he instead simply looked over to you. He stared at your eyes, silently questioning your actions—but he didn't look one bit mad. That reaction surprised you, but considering how he didn't move to do anything earlier until you began counting, maybe he's more respectful than you thought he was.

You smiled, but that was far from what you were feeling at that moment. Your feelings were a mix of things that shouldn't be together. It was a complete mess, if you were going to accurately describe it.

Knowing that your interactions with him more often than not end up with you underneath him as a mewling mess, you thought he kept you around at the Garnet Palace for that sole reason despite the obvious disrespect you show him. You weren't that skilled at anything that was required to pass as a maid after all—the Emperor's maid, at that—so you guessed he was looking over everything because of that.

But he gave you a choice this time. That time at his bathroom as well. He asked for your confirmation the first time, too, and you were just strangers to each other then. 

Your respect for him slightly grew when you noticed all of that.

This time, your lips lifted upwards in a mischievous sense. "Do you think I'm going to give in easily just like that? After ignoring me for three days? I'm not that desperate, you know."

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ( wmmap )Where stories live. Discover now