13. time

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The carriage the palace temporarily lended you was getting close to the (L/n) Estate. Close enough that you could see the outline of people waiting by the gates for your arrival.

Of course, just as you expected, none of your family members came to greet you on your return. And to be honest, you liked it better that way.

This way, you wouldn't have to put up an act.

The only reason you were excited about this week long vacation was because you'd finally get to see Veikki and the others again. They're the ones you promised to return to—not the family that you barely even saw.

As soon as the door of the carriage opened, you rushed out and headed to where they stood. They greeted you with smiles plastered on their faces, genuinely happy to see you return in one piece ( especially considering who you worked under ).

"My Lady!" they greeted in unison. "You're looking well."

"Yes, Cl—, Er, His Majesty was a better employer than I initially thought." you almost slipped up there.

He's better at other things too—

"I'd love to hear all about it!" Veikki grinned.

Oh, no, you probably don't. you smiled in return. Well, not all of it, at least.

"But first, we shall let My Lady rest!" Veikki took charge before the others got too excited at your arrival. "She had just arrived. We must give her space."

And that was exactly how you ended up gossiping about your palace life with Veikki as you bathe and relax.

Of course, you spared her the spicy details.

It's already embarrassing enough that Felix knew all along ( you even shamelessly asked him for 'advice' ). You weren't about to add another person into this.

"The Princess challenged you into a... staring contest?" Veikki repeated the term that you used in a confused tone. "I apologize, I'm not entirely familiar with what that is..."

"Ah! It's just a new game that I picked up from the palace..." you quickly came up with an excuse, flailing your arms around out of panic.

It's good to see that my bullshitting skills didn't lessen...Though I do feel bad, lying to Veikki and all... you just gave her a nervous chuckle.

But I think I'd give her a heart attack if I said I learnt it from another world.

"I'm willing to teach and play with you, if you're curious." you added to make your lie more believable.

"Please do! Only if My Lady has free time, of course. Resting must be first on your list during your vacation." she said as she poured shampoo (?) to her hand.

"Yes, yes, of course...Oh, by the way!" you perked up. "We wouldn't happen to have ingredients to make Lippe tea, would we?"

She paused and thought for a bit. "That can be arranged for tomorrow, My Lady. Shall I prepare along with your afternoon snacks?"

"Actually, I'd like you to teach me how to prepare it..." you asked shyly. "Cla— His Majesty often ask me to brew Lippe tea, but... it doesn't turn out as well as I hope it would..."

"Of course, My Lady. I'll make preparations as soon as possible." her hands massaged your scalp, making you relax. "But, My Lady, I do hope that I'm not overstepped my boundaries when I ask this..."

"Feel free to be as open as you'd like. I don't really mind."

"...Are you perhaps being mistreated in the Palace?"

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 ( wmmap )Where stories live. Discover now