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Her life was easy.
Sleep with disgusting men to fullfill their dirtiest desires before vanishing from their life again.

After they paid her obviously.

Jenna didn't love her life, but it was good enough to get her by. And a little hard sex here and there, well, she didn't say no to that either. But the men of Hewn City were barbaric, they saw women as chattel, something that belonged to them and could be ordered around for as long as they wanted. So it had never been difficult for Jenna to give the men what they wanted. A submissive, young and pretty woman who offered herself to them naked and bare.

The men reached for her, for the innocent girl, a spectacle she put on to please them, to get one more nest egg out of them. Because the pay was never bad.
Jenna had long ago opened an account which brought her money to Velaris, the town where she actually came from. She was dragged here by her mother, like an animal for ravenous lions. Because her mother was the worst kind of all.
When she found her husband, a new one, not Jenna's indentured father, her stepfather gave Jenna's mother the idea of moving to Hewn City. Both of them were just as stupid and babaric that they liked it there. And they still did. Only Jenna had already moved away from her parents a long time ago, from the people who had made her life hell. But that was now in the past. As she lay there, quiet in her bed, she went through all the clients she was supposed to meet tomorrow. It would be a miracle if she came back before midnight. Every day she was almost booked up with dirty old men who enjoyed her.
They hit, they tore, they laughed.
But one had got used to that. After all these years in the business, Jenna had got used to almost everything. Except that sometimes it came back to haunt her.
Would anyone see her as different? As a girl who kept her head above water? Someone who was actually waiting and hoping for her mate? Would it ever happen?
Many of these questions were usually on her mind when men were having their way with her. She had already figured out how to turn herself off, so that she didn't have to put up with all that. It had become like a reality.

Individual rays of sunlight were now coming into the daylight, slipping through her window. She drew the curtains and sighed. Just a little more, she said to herself before disappearing into her bathroom. Soon she would leave here, soon when she had enough money and could settle down in Velaris, the city of starlight, and live her life in peace. She put on her long dark green satin dress. With slits at both legs, it didn't leave much room for fascination, barely covering her legs and fitting snugly around her chest and waist. The neckline of the dress went almost to her navel, revealing the curves of her breasts to the side. Such dresses were common here in the hewn city. Lots of skin, hardly any coverage. However, she had to make a good impression on her clients, possibly newcomers who were considering her offer.

She took a deep breath and unlocked her door and re- entered the mess of her life.

Hello guys. Sooo, this is a Fanfic for all those who love to read about our lovly inner circle. So be a part of it in continue reading my story.
Next chapter you are getting some of the inner circle. So be ready.
Hope you enjoyed.》

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