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"Fuck!" Harry shouted, landing on his precious ass with a loud 'Hmpf'

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"Fuck!" Harry shouted, landing on his precious ass with a loud 'Hmpf'.

The ladder tipped over after him, and if he hadn't moved quickly enough, he would now be under the ladder, probably with more bruises than he would have liked.

Groaning, he moved to the kitchen to fetch a cloth, half the floor was white with wall paint.
His ass hurt with every step and he could beat himself for his stupidity in not asking Zayn for help.

Zayn!!! Adrenaline shot through his veins as he remembered that he should have been looking after Zayn's cats. And he should be there in exactly 20 minutes.

Like a hunted pig he ran down the stairs and jumped into the black car with his brightly coloured shoes, the keys in his hand, his mobile phone in his pocket.

He drove into the darkness that enveloped him. The moon was not shining, it was a cold, lifeless night. The streets were empty, except for a few young people drunkenly walking along the roadside.

He felt queasy, the queasiness in his stomach had spread over his body, he felt sick with fear. The fear that invaded his head with long thin shadowy fingers.

The closer he got to Zayn's house, the more uncomfortable he felt, he would have liked to turn around and listen to his queasy stomach, but he couldn't just let Zayn's cats starve to death.

He looked in the rear view mirror, an icy shiver caught up with him, then he saw a car following him.
For a few years he had needed bodyguards, he had never taken it too seriously until two years ago when a woman followed him to his front door and stalked him until he changed the locks and didn't dare come out for a week.
After that, it happened more and more often, and so his stupid paranoia grew.

He drove off the route towards the city to be close to people in case something happened. At the side of the road, he wrote to his security guard.
Then he drove off again, the car was gone.

The road stretched out, the music of the radio in the car played slowly while trees and houses passed him by. The headaches that had been tormenting him for days, were getting worse by the minute. He would have liked to turn around, but it was now clearly too late, as he was now at the garage entrance to Zayn's house in London.

He bit his lower lip in disgust. Or tapped melodies with his fingertips on the steering wheel, until he finally decided to get out and walk towards the house with the horror of his fears on his mind. Walking along the long bright stony path to the big wooden door, he bent down to fish the key out of the flower box. And opening the door a crack, one of the two cats meowed loudly at the door, he bent down again and pushed it aside to get in.

Once inside, the cats crept around his legs, he turned on the light and immediately locked the door. The fear left him as soon as the whole house was lit up and he started looking for the cat food in the kitchen.

Over time he had become quite warm, so he opened the huge kitchen windows and let the night air flow in, with the light scent of pine branches.

He loved the night.

The cats continued to meow, one jumping up to him on the counter to be cuddled, while the other played with a glass on the table, but jumped down in fright when she saw a shadow at the window and heard the glass fall to the floor.

Startled, Harry turned and looked down at the broken glass, and then at the cat still sitting fearfully in the corner.

"Stop scaring me" He frowned, kneeling down beside the frightened cat. "Stupid little shit" He said, sweetly petting the cats head.

Then he went to the bathroom to get cleaning stuff, by the time he even grabbed bandage incase he'd accidentally cut himself on the sharb glass.

He cleaned up and indeed cut himself as he picked up the last glass splitter. Blood run down his hand, a sharp pull ran through his hand, it didn't even hurt much, but it bled all the more. A little time passed and it dripped down his arm onto his trousers and shirt. Cursing the day, Harry cleaned the cut in the bathroom, he had the shower running to clean his shirt there, so he didn't hear the kitchen window burst open.

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