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"Louis don't be a dick, open the door, I'm here to apologize c'mon!" Harry begged, knocking on the door again. He stood there since two hours.

"What's going on?" Niall asked him, hot cheetos in his hand, chewing with an open mouth. Harry was slightly disgusted.

"I said something rubbish, and now he won't open the door" Harry murmured, knocking his head against the door, sighing as Niall pulled him away by the shoulder.

"Are you sure he's in there?"

"Well yeh"

"Ok. Then go downstairs, I'll talk to him."

Harry sighed, leaving to sit on the couch. Bouncing his leg nervously, while he heard Niall from upstairs, talking with Louis, or the door, he wasn't quite sure.


Hours past by, around dinner time Louis finally came down, he looked messed up, dark circles under his eyes, messy hair, and a shirt thing that wasn't leaving much to the expectation. But that doesn't matter, just made him look rough, a bit hot by all honesty. Harry maybe hold hostage, but not blind. He watched Louis slipping in his shoes, while tying them up, Harry's eyes flew over the mens strong hands, clenching and unclenching. Harry shortly imagined having those hands around his neck.

"Hey! I'm sorry I snapped!" He screamed leaning over the couch, shortly catching eye contact with Louis.

"It's fine, don't worry" He shortly answered, heading out a little too fast. Slowly Harry got pissed, he wasn't being that mean. Like not like he murdered Louis family, or whatever, oh kidnapped him for example. He definitely had no right to be a dick.

Niall went after him, a apologizing look to Harry, who felt like their left out roommate and definitely not their hostage. So he went to snoop around the house, looking for something to use to get out of this miserably. Unfortunately all doors were looked severally, the windows too, with weird glass that he couldn't broke even if he tried he'd hurt his fist more then the odd glass. There wasn't even a freaking key, but he found lube. And a shit load of rubbers. They had one room that was locked, right down the floor, it's sneaky, but Harry knew why they kept it close. He had watched enough crime shows to know, that behind this door he'd find all shit of guns, knifes, and other horrible tools used to kill people.

He gave up. He snooped in Louis' room, slowly sitting down on his bed, where he slowly wiped up and down, it was a water bed. A dangerously comfortable one. God, yes he loved it.

Harry layed down, closing his eyes. That must look so awkward. But it was like very comfortable. Too comforting. Too good, it smelled so nice, why does it smell so good?

"What the fuck." Louis.

Harry gasped, sitting up so rapidly, he almost fall over. Well he did, jumping up, not remembering that this shit was a water bed. With a loud hmpf he landed on the ground, holding his ankle in pain.

He wanted to cry so bad.

"Oh lord, that's so embarrassing, I'm sorry-"

"Safe it and get out of my room or I cuff you again"

"Why you're so grumpy"

"I'm literally just breathing, now go out of my fucking sight."

Harry nodded, going out of Louis' room. Nobody ever disliked him since middle school. That was weird.
The feeling, he meant. Being genuinely dislike by the only two people around.
He didn't saw neither Louis' nor Niall for the next two fucking weeks. The only breathing thing around him was Zayns kitty cat, that was a fucking devil, waiting 'till he'd go downstairs to scratch him.

The boredom killed him, though he was starving, and there was all this delicious food in the fridge, so he ate a few fries and a nice veggie burger. 


After the fourth monday he was done. Trying everything to escape, until he finally found a window that was made out of glass, but he failed to crash it.

Dumped again he closed his eyes laying on the floor. He jerked off three times though, refreshing. And it felt safe because he gave up the thought that Niall and Louis would be back. Maybe they left him here to die miserably. To end his freaking life, he'd go out of food and water, and then die. Maybe be found some day, or not, the cat looked definitely like she'd eat him.


The fifth week begun. And finally, the door opened. Niall came stumbling in, in a hurry, his face all reddish, face scared to death. Overall he looked so bad, clothes ripped, and blood on his knees. Harry stood there helplessly.

Niall shut the door, the someone on the outside screamed, shots fall, and then a horrible dead silence set in.
Niall sunk down against the door, Harry run to him, trying as good as possible to comfort him, by holding him. It felt weird and uncomfortable, but at least, he could kinda comfort him.

"What happened? Are you hurt badly?"

"We got caught." He breathed heavily.

"And they got Lou- but he freed himself and Shit! He fucking shot someone, and then we run, for hours, and then he just dissapeared." Now he almost cried, tears silvery dropping down his cheeks, head pressed to Harry's chest.

"Calm down. Where is he now?"

"I don't know! He was just gone, and if we don't find him soon, we have to go somewhere without him, they now where we fucking live!"

"Well you could let me go? and then we go to the police, I can pay you two personal security for as long as you need."

"Yea sure" He said sarcastically, rolling his eyes while standing up. Then someone knocked on the door.

"FBI open the door!" A men screamed. Niall froze, hurrying to get his gun out, to press it to Harry's back.

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