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Summer's glory rises in front of people's eye

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Summer's glory rises in front of people's eye. An ignominy of laughter and sweet conversations dawn over the depressed winter cities.

Frail and fallacious even though it's everyone's seemed joy. Frivolously did he jumped all too faintly over the years meadows. All the summer's he spend in his dark room, he now regrets. Seemingly only getting older which each haunted day. Lavishly fades every day right there caught by his feeble gaze.

A verdant wreck surrounded by the hostile eyes of strangers. Their dull talks follow him in his room and haunt him until he closes his red rimmed eyes.

He wished he could exhort himself, stop being a tearful havok for his own sake. He words would fade inconsiderable, he would drown them in his endless restlessness. The mess he made in his brain over the past years.

Summer hadn't been his sincerest intrigue. Even though he'd grown to love the feeling, warm sun rays touching his skin, behind the cold rusty metal. The sun freed his thoughts.

Condescending the sun looked down at the pathetic person he had become, it caged him because he was miserable. And couldn't go with the sun when it moved, he couldn't hide in the shadow when it burned down at him.

A nuisance.

Who's responsible for one's incoherent gore, which leads to repercussions such as taking the sun's battle. And die.

Louis smiles, tiredness paints his features in elderly elegance. It's painful, a faulty act he had to participate in. A smile that left his face as the woman left his cell for the fifth time on a monday.

Monday marks the day of his execution. Not today, he's got years left, unfortunately. He never though living could turn into an exhausting waiting for days' end.

He wouldn't cherish one more day of his miserable time. Life wasn't worth living, wish he knew before getting locked up in a cell surrounded by psychological killers. Ironically it killed him. The one thing he found comfort in had brought him here.

In his head he wasn't in the cold bleak cell, surrounded by the smell of cigarettes and rotten water.

The narrow metal turns did not oppress him, no, he was surrounded by the cool night air. It smelled of rain, it is the beginning of autumn, shortly after the first heavy rains. The trees around him look fresh and untouched, as does the clear glass lake reflecting the sun. He is surrounded by warmth and mountainousness in which he lulls himself to sleep.

With each passing day, he aged like a rose that slowly loses its leaves as winter approaches and the hated time draws near. Hour after hour flew by as he opened his eyes and turned them to the white wall. Now it was time for his life to come to an end. Which reminded him all too much of his youthful years, when he wished to die day after day as the day of his school's end drew near.

He missed the loud laughter that burst from his throat and the evenings around the fire. Oh how he missed being young.

Time had set an end to his unfathomable lifetime. He could sink down the wall and cry his eyes out, and watch himself age for the next years he had been gifted.

"Tomlinson, you have a visitor, we except you in the hallway in five."

The old lady behind the cold guard gave him an apologetic smile as he saw him wipe his tears quietly. He took a deep breath before he sat up and saw his vision blur. The room swayed as he took careful steps towards his dresser, and removed his shirt which revealed his body. He looks down at his rather thinned frame, the ugly bruises sprawled over his once soft skin. A minute passes, he hurries himself in a pair of black sweats and a new orange shirt.

Louis fixes his hair, and gets to the door. One of the guards shoves him roughly against the wall to cuff him. Oh how the tables turned, he thinks with a light chuckle as they leave the rusty hallways.

Sun touches his pale skin, they exit the building with four guards. Still, the sun kisses him. He feels adrenaline rushing through his veins at the light blinding his dull eyes. Sooner or later his eyes fix on one person sitting at a table a few kilometers away. The man in blue waves excitedly. Louis looks puzzled at the weird person with his icecream in one hand and the ridiculous cap on his head.

He probably dyed his hair an ugly color.

"An officer will be right there, don't hesitate to call him over if you need anything. You'll have time until four."

"Thanks." Louis replied dryly and made his way over his visitor. He's shook still for a moment, then he almost cries happy tears seeing Liam stand up. He looks much older, his beard grown out a bit, and the hair jesus length. Louis laughs, the other man closing his arms around him in the most sincere hug he'd ever received. Liams arm hold him tightly to his chest and don't let go. He allows Louis to sob his shirt wet, let it all out.

"Lou." He says happily. "I've missed you mate!" He let's go, they sit on the small bench. In a seemingly normal environment if they'd ignore the cold cement walls a few meters away.

"How come you're around here? Thought you left months ago." Louis laughs, a bitter sweet undertone carrying his words.

"Oh, yes. I did, but I figured something out sith the law firm I'm working with."

"Liam, it's nice of you but you heard the judge talk."

"Yes. He wrongly accused you, the witness was paid and I can prove it! That man is corrupt and-"

"Hey. It's alright, I deserve it."

"No you don't. Stop talking bullshit, you're not exactly a saint but death penalty? Nope. I'm not letting you die." He laughs nervously, and grabs Louis hand over the table. Louis smiles at his words, one of them hadn't lost hope and it warmed his hurting heart.

Liam stayed through all of it, even though he brought him to jail. Bailed him out two times and accepted one wrong deal. But Louis wasn't mad once. Because as said, Liam stayed, made sure Louis was okay.

"Yes I am. Liam you tried but they're not going to believe me."


"Liam, it's been four years. Let it rest, it's over."

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