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A man with brown hair was standing in the middle of a large room with white decor. He was wearing a black formal tuxedo, gliding his hands through his hair. 

 Today's the day...

 The man was looking at the mirror in front of him. He fixed his tie making sure everything was perfect for today. 

 The door opened with a rather tall figure peeking from it. "You ready Jun?" The tall man asked.

 "Hey, Mingyu," Junhui smiled. "Never been better." 

 Mingyu quietly closed the door behind him and walked closer to Junhui with a slightly concerned look. "You okay? You look a little nervous." 

Junhui looked up the ceiling and took a deep breath. "A little bit, to be honest." He looked at Mingyu, fidgeting his hands. "But I'm more excited than anything." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I bet you are." Mingyu took a seat on the white sofa on the other side of the room. "Can't believe you're the first one to get married out of all of us." He laughed at the thought. 

"Yeah." Junhui said quietly, almost inaudible. He turned to Mingyu and put on a smile that slowly faded.

Mingyu furrowed his eyebrows for a second. "Hm?" 

Jun looked at Mingyu, confused at the taller male's reaction. 

 Mingyu waved his hands back and forth. "Oh, I was just surprised." 

"By what?"

 Mingyu took a deep breath. "I didn't expect you to say that. I thought you'd be shoving it to my face that you got married first." He scratched the back of his head. 

 "Oh, I'm just..." Jun slowly makes the biggest smile he could, grinning from ear to ear. "...happy." His eyes start to water up, but wipes it before any of it drips down. 

Mingyu looks at him and smiles. He was genuinely happy for him. He truly was, but something was tugging on his conscience. Something didn't feel right. The smile slowly fades and he looks down at the floor.

 Mingyu eventually looked beside the couch and saw a television and a white vase. "Remember that time when we used to have sleepovers and movie nights?" He asked, trying to somewhat lighten this uncertain atmosphere. 

Jun chuckled. "Yeah." His eyes glance back to the television that the other male was looking at. "Those were nice- good times." 

The taller male gave slight nods, simply staring at the floor. "We used to hang out more often back then." He smiled, reminiscing the moments of the past. 

Junhui hummed in response. "Is he here yet?" He walked towards the couch to sit beside Mingyu.

Mingyu abruptly blocked the seat with his hands. 

Jun flinched, confused at what his friend was doing. "Uh... dude?" 

"You can't sit down! Your clothes will wrinkle!" Mingyu nagged.

"You're seriously nagging me today?" Jun raised an eyebrow. 

Mingyu crossed his legs. "It's because it's today that I'm nagging at you." 

 The two burst in laughter. 

 Jun exhaled with a smile forming on his face. 

 Silence filled the room for a few seconds until Mingyu decided to break it. 

 Mingyu looked at the window beside the boy who was standing. "No, he's not here yet." He said, replying to the question the older male had previously asked.

Junhui nodded. "Okay." He walked to the window hoping to get some fresh air. Although, there was barely any wind. There was only the sunlight beaming on Junhui's face, a golden color.

"Don't worry, dude." Mingyu got up and walked towards Jun. "He'll be here. There are still two hours left. That's a whole lot of time." Mingyu patted that shorter boy's back.

"I know he will." Junhui said, still looking out the window. "Minghao will." 

 What was it like back then with Minghao?

 Movie nights, huh? 


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