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As night came, so did their food. Mingyu sat down on the couch and set aside the beer and wine that he had just bought from the convenience store that was just a few minutes away on foot. The chicken that they had gotten delivered also arrived, still warm.

While Mingyu was out, Wonwoo had called Junhui to let him know that Minghao was staying over. Junhui asked to talk to Minghao, but Wonwoo knew that it might not be the best time for him to talk to Minghao. So, he just came up with an excuse that Minghao tagged along with Mingyu and went to the convenience store together. Which, of course, wasn't true at all.

The night was going well. They talked for a long time, made jokes, laughed, looked back at memories, and all that stuff. It was nice.

It had distracted Minghao for a while.

Well, not until the midnight came and it was time to sleep.

The lights were shut and Minghao was in Mingyu's room. The tall boy was sleeping soundly beside him in the bed. It was quiet. There was no sound except for their breathing.

And also Minghao's thoughts that were slowly resurfacing.

Eventually, Minghao had decided to get up and go to the living area and took the bottle of wine in the fridge that he had not finished from earlier. It was half-empty.

He looked at the wine bottle and saw his reflection.

Why am I like this?

He was about to grab a glass, but he heard the sound of a door creaking.

Wonwoo had gotten out of his room and wasn't wearing his glasses. His hair was a mess and his face was tinted with red from consuming alcohol earlier.

"You couldn't sleep, huh?" Wonwoo grinned, unable to control his expression, walking towards the couch in the living area.

Minghao put on a weak smile and got a glass. He went to sit beside Wonwoo, pouring the alcohol on his glass.

"You want?" Minghao asked, gesturing to the wine.

"No, thanks. I'm probably gonna get a crazy hangover when morning comes." Wonwoo chuckled.

Minghao chuckled, seeing Wonwoo drunk like this was a rare occurrence

Wonwoo suddenly stood up and stretched his body.

"What are you doing?" Minghao asked in confusion.

Wonwoo blinked a few times before answering. "Trying to sober up."

Minghao chuckled. "What for?"

Wonwoo took a deep breath and exhaled loudly. "Let's talk."

Minghao let out a small sigh, but not small enough to go by unnoticed.

Wonwoo sat back down. "What do you want to do from now on?"

Minghao was surprised from the sudden heavy question, but it wasn't too shocking. It was Wonwoo who was asking, after all. He took a sip from the wine on his glass. "I... I don't know."

"Why don't you try getting a boyfriend?" Wonwoo suggested.

Minghao coughed. He was getting too many sudden heavy questions today. He looked at Wonwoo, who seemed to be serious about his suggestion. He sighed. "I don't know."

Wonwoo raised his eyebrow. "That's 'cause you've never tried. It might help, you know."

Minghao took another sip. "I know what you mean. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for it."

Wonwoo looked at the wine Minghao was holding. "Who knows. You might find someone who genuinely likes you and you like back."

Once again, Minghao took another sip, this time not answering.

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