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"Oh, I see." Minghao chuckled.

Junhui pat Minghao on the shoulder. "Yeah, I guess you could say that if it weren't for you, then, I wouldn't have been able to meet Yuna." He held Minghao's hand. "Thank you, Hao."

Minghao smiled and nodded.

"Will you be okay today?" Junhui asked. "You couldn't attend the wedding rehearsal."

"Trust me." Minghao smiled.

"I do."

Wonwoo looked at the time in his watch, seeing that the start ceremony was nearing.

"Now, let's go to the waiting room. Everyone's been dying to see you again." Junhui said as he pulled Minghao to run to across the hall.

Minghao followed, with Wonwoo following them from behind.

Junhui opened the door and everyone's eyes went in their direction.

"MINGHAO!" Everyone yelled and got closer to see the boy.

Well, everyone except Mingyu who was standing still, his eyes wide open, looking at Minghao. He didn't know what he was feeling. He felt a bit indifferent when they brought up Minghao's name earlier, but now that he sees Minghao in person, it was different. He hadn't seen nor talked to the Chinese male since he had been rejected. He was fine just seconds ago, but seeing Minghao again made him feel things.

Mingyu thought he had moved on, but just from seeing that boy, his heart fluttered. He couldn't get any words out of his mouth. So, he just stood there, looking at the boy that had rejected him.

He is well aware that the rejection was something that happened because of him. He knew that at that time that Minghao was not ready for a relationship and that he needed his time to heal, but he still went ahead and confessed. He fucked up and he knows it.

"Minghao, how could you leave without telling me?!" Soonyoung hugged Minghao tightly. "Have you eaten at least? Oh, and your hair is back to black! You dyed it?"

Jihoon swatted Soonyoung off of Minghao. "Give him some space! You're well aware that he didn't tell you that he was gonna leave because if he did, then you wouldn't have let him."

"Woah, what's this about?" Seungcheol asked, confused with what they were saying.

"Were the two of you hiding Minghao?" Seungkwan asked.

"Guys, chill." Jeonghan stepped up. "Let's let Minghao breathe for a second. He just got here. I'm sure that there's a reason to all things, but let's talk about that later."

Jisoo went behind Minghao and gave him a pat in the back. "Yeah, he's right." He leaned in towards Minghao's ear. "You okay, dude?" He whispered, only the two of them being able to hear.

Minghao silently nodded, giving Jisoo a sense of relief.

"You all seem to be more excited with seeing Minghao rather than me when this is literally my wedding." Junhui crossed his arms.

"I mean, it's Minghao-hyung. Of course, we're happy to see him." Chan said, with an innocent look.

"That was probably the only thing you said today that I can actually agree on." Seungkwan said.

Jeonghan chuckled. "What about you, Gyu? I thought you'd be happy to see Minghao, if not the happiest."

All eyes turned to Mingyu, including Minghao's eyes. For a short moment Minghao and Mingyu met each others' gaze, before the taller looked away.

Minghao still felt a bit guilty with the way he acted to Mingyu, but right now, there were more things he was thinking about.

Mingyu tried to look at Minghao properly in the eyes, but he couldn't. "I am." He answered, looking down.

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