Cause Of War

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My window is fogged
My glasses are unclear
My mind is fogged
My path is unclear.

“Come to me” they say “come.”
“You will be happy” they say
“I know what is best for you” they say.
But how do they? When they are not me.

What they think is wrong
To me it is right.
And all their truths,
To me they are lies.

I believe in my faith
A hard-core belief,
But I don’t believe in lies,
Because I know they are, after all, just lies.

People think religion
Is something that gives you heaven on earth.
That is just not true,
Religion is a patience, to wait for the heaven after earth.

Heaven and hell
Hell and heaven
I heard these words for as long as I remember
I believe in them, but simple faith isn’t all.

I know those who choose not to believe.
And I respect their choice
I respect that it is them who choose
How their life will be.

Even if they tell me that
People who believe in nothing aren’t good.
I know deep in my soul,
That God knew what he does, and perhaps they are better than me.

Short skirts, red lips and low necks
Long dresses, pink lips and high collars
Flowing and exposed hair
And ones covered are all the same.

What our eyes see aren’t always the truth
For looks are deceiving, our hearts too.
We are not the ones who judge
Because no woman or man has lived without a mistake.

Male or female
Fair or dark
Bold or shy
Eyes big or small.

Jesus or Allah
Krishna or Zeus
Odin or Jupiter.
What is the difference?

Every religion teaches kindness
They teach humanity
They teach peace
They teach friendship.

Yet here we are
Fighting worthless wars
Proclaiming religion as the cause.
When did we become such liars?

For each and every one you kill
Remember that they have those waiting for them
To walk home, instead of
Arriving in a casket. Oh hear their sobs!

Each and every day I think
What has made us cause this much damage?
Why do we fight and kill,
When we could unite and live.

World war one, we fought
World war two, we fought
Then, battles here and there.
Alas! How many more will be there!

So now, please, heed my word.
Muslim, Christian, Jew or Atheist
In the end we are all to blame.
For the cause of war is humanity itself.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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