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Stella POV

I took Amy up to my room to pick out some dresses we could wear. After about an hour and a half looking for a dress, we found some drop dead slutly dresses. By the time we were done with our showers and Amy doing our hair and makeup up it was time to go. We walked downstairs to the living room. The guys were all sleeping. They actually looked very cute. Like toddlers who exhausted themselves playing. Amy went and woke up Michael while I woke up everyone else. Calum was the hardest to get up. He just keep turning and pushing me until I grabbed his balls. He shot right up.

"Glad your up!" I said sarcastically. "That's 10 minutes of my life I'll never get back."

I stood up and was gonna speak when Luke started yelling.


"Luke shut up! I'm trying to get the guy alone. This dress is going to do the work." I explained. He just crossed his arms and pouted.

"Don't wear that out anymore after this..... unless its just for me." I tried to looked serious at him but I couldn't. I just laughed.

"Ok I promise."

Amy stopped talking to Michael, then stood by me.

"Ok we're gonna drive there by ourselves, so you guys need to hang back." She turned to Michael and held her hand out. He hesitated then reached in his pockets and gave her his car keys. Ace and Calum started whistling and winking at them.

"Damn he must like you Ames because no one EVER drives his truck!" Calum said to Amy. She just blushed and motioned for me to come on. The guys followed.

"This is who you're looking for" Calum said as he showed us a picture of the guy. He looked around my age. He was kinda cute actually. But not as cute as Luke. I couldn't help but smile.

"Text us when you got him." Ashton said. We both nodded then pull off. The car ride was pretty quiet.

"Soooooooooooooo you and Michael?" I asked.

"Soooooooooooo you and Luke?" she shot back. I just laughed. She wasn't ready to talk and I wasn't gonna make her. We pulled to the club and she turned off the truck.

"Stella?" I turned to her to see that she had a serious face. Before I could ask what was wrong she continued speaking. "Let me take the lead. I can do this." I nodded then we got out and walked in the club.


The club was loud. Stella took hold of my hand. I remember her telling me she had a hard time seeing in the club. I guided her around till my eyes settled on the guy who we were here for.

"Stella he's over there." I said pointing to him with my eyes. She glanced at him.

"How do we get his attention?" she asked.

"We dance." Stella was a bit taken back but then she went along with my plan. We walked to where he could clearly see us. I put my hands on Stella's hips and began moving with her.

"We have to dance as sexy as possible." I said over the loud music. "Just pretend I'm Luke"

"Only if you pretend I'm Michael." she said back. Haha I know we're not blood sisters but we do have similarities. Stella began grinding on me. I guess she took my thing about me being Luke serious. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I pictured it was Michael who I was dancing with. Stella and I were both lost in dance until someone tapped us. We turned to see the guy we was here for.

"I've been watching you girls dance, you're both sexy." he said with a thick accent.

"You're not so bad yourself." Stella said as she still was dancing beside me.

5 Screams Of Silence l.r.h/m.g.c AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora