Michael POV

Everything was going great. I had my girl on my arm. Amy was sleeping with her arms wrapped around me with light snores coming out of her. She looked so peaceful right now. Amy's so care free, she has no worries, she's always laughing and giggling, it's beautiful actually. Then all of a sudden there was a huge bang at my front door. Amy popped right out of her sleep. I jumped out of bed and grabbed Amy setting her on the floor.

"Hide under here and don't make a noise." I kissed her on the lips. "And whatever you do don't come out!" I ran out my bed room. I took quite steps. I made it to the living room and saw that my door was kicked in. I went to turn around to only be hit in the back of my head. I blacked out after that.


I was awaken with cold water being dumped on me. My head was throbbing and could feel blood trickling down my neck. I opened my eyes to see that I was tied to a chair. I looked up to see my worst fear. Amy was standing in front of me with a gun to her head by that asshole Damon.

"Glad your awake sleeping beauty. Now the fun begins." he said.

"Why are you doing this? Let her go!" I yelled at him while pulling at my restraints. He just laughed and shook his head.

"Nah my beef isn't with you its with her." he said tapping the gun against her head. "This is one of the cunts that tricked me and cut off my finger. Now its time for her to pay."

Amy had her eyes closed and was shaking like a leaf. She was terrified.

"Hey open your eyes bitch" he said. Amy still keep them shut. She was trying to ignore him, but that was smart. It only made him angrier. "I said open your eyes or else!"

"OR WHAT!" she screamed back.

He looked shocked for a slight moment then punched her right in the stomach. Amy doubled over, the wind was knocked right from out of her. She was mumbling something under her breath over and over again.

"Now get up." he said with a smug smile. Amy slowly stood back up and looked at him.

"You hit like a bitch." I looked at Amy. Why was she saying these? Its only pissing him off. Not even a second had past before Damon back handed her. She fell to the floor hard. He started kicking with all his force in her stomach. She was now screaming in pain.

"STOP!" I was yelling at him over and over at him.

My wrist were now bleeding because of how hard I was trying to free myself. He kicked her so many times I lost count. Amy stopped screaming. I was praying that she passed out so she wouldn't feel the pain any more. Damon walked over to me and punched me right in the balls. That hurt so bad that no noise came out of me. He then hit me in the face and stomach. My body was aching at this point. My nose is bleeding and my lip was busted. I could feel my eye starting to swell up.

"Don't touch him!" Amy said looking at us while she was trying to sit up. Damon stopped hitting me and walked back to her.

"You're cheeky love. I bet if I was to rape you, you wouldn't be." he said running his hand through her hair.

"It wouldn't because your dick isn't big enough to hurt me you stupid...." Amy couldn't finish because he smashed her head to the floor and started landing punches all over her body. I was now crying. I was crying because I was angry that I couldn't do anything. But I was mostly crying because of Amy. She was getting the worst part of this whole situation. Damon stopped the hits. Her body was limp on the floor. He got up and walked back to me. He picked up the gun and pointed it at me. I was still looking at Amy, tears now falling faster.

"Don't worry mate she's still alive. When she wakes back up im gonna make her watch me kill you, then im gonna torture her. And rape her. Then kill her. But killing you is just business not personal."

My blood was boiling. I have to get out. I will get out.

"You're a piece of shit. You did all that to a girl. You're just down right dumb, I see how it was so easy for them to fool you. Now you just want revenge because you were beat by girls. Think of real men and gangs. Al Capone would be ashamed of you, the women and children were never fucked with." I spat venom spewing from my mouth

Damon stood up and hit me with his gun. I counted that to my list of how many times he did it. All I know was that my body couldn't take much more of this. Each time he hit me, I felt sleepier. He stopped for a moment to switch the arm he was hitting me with. That's when I saw Amy hit him with a bat. Damon fell to ground and Amy kicked the gun far away from him. She was now hitting repeatedly with the bat. Then she dropped it and started throwing punches at him. She was screaming and yelling something at him but it wasn't real words. It was just screams, growls and animal noises. Damon was throwing hits back but Amy had him trapped underneath her. His hands immediately went to her neck to choke her and she did the same to his. Amy had little delicate hands. She couldn't possibly win this battle against him. I had to get out of this chair before he killed her. I looked up because of the choking sounds coming from them. Amy's hands were slowly letting go of Damon's neck.

"Amy no!" I yelled. She took her hands from his neck and he started to sit up while still choking her. Then Amy put both of her thumbs on his eyes and pushed in with all her might. A blood curdling scream came from Damon as he let go of Amy's neck and was now trying to get her off of him. But no Amy keep pushing. Damon's body soon went limp as his body fell back to the ground with a thump. Amy was breathing hard. Blood cover most of her face, arms and hands. She got up and walked to me got me out of my restraints. I sat stunned at what she just did. Then stood up and hugged her. I hugged her tighter than ever. I kissed her like it was the last time I would. All of a sudden Luke and Stella busted in.

"What happened?" they asked looking around.

I was gonna ask how did they know to be here. But Amy told me.

"When I hid under the bed I called Luke and told him to come before I was dragged from under it."

I wrapped my arms around Amy and kissed her again. My tongue licked her lip wanting entrance. She tasted like blood. We both did. I didnt care. Her legs gave out and caught her. I could her Stella and Luke saying something but I couldn't comprehend. Stella took Amy out of my arms and I tried to reach and get her back but my body shut down too. I was out like a light.

A/N wow just wow, oh uh Damon was blinded so yeah I got two more chapters in my reserve be back soon

5 Screams Of Silence l.r.h/m.g.c AUDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora